Table 1: Summary of responder demographics.
n |
% |
Gender |
Female |
111 |
70·3 |
Male |
47 |
29·7 |
Age (y) |
≤30 |
41 |
25·9 |
31-40 |
45 |
28·5 |
41-50 |
38 |
24·1 |
51-60 |
26 |
16·5 |
≥61 |
8 |
5·1 |
Ethnicity |
79 |
50·0 |
White |
76 |
48·1 |
Prefer not to say |
3 |
1·9 |
Subgroups of BME |
Arab |
1 |
12·7 |
Asian or Asian British |
48 |
60·8 |
Black or Black British |
12 |
15·2 |
Mixed |
6 |
7·6 |
Other |
12 |
15·2 |
Job role |
Allied health professional |
104 |
65·8 |
Doctor |
54 |
34·2 |
Subgroups of AHP |
Nurse/ANP |
83 |
79·8 |
Therapist (OT/PT/SALT) |
10 |
9·6 |
11 |
10·6 |
Subgroups of doctors |
Consultant |
9 |
16·7 |
Registrar |
13 |
24·1 |
Specialty training (pre-registrar) |
14 |
25·9 |
Foundation |
18 |
33·3 |
Area worked |
ITU both peaks |
58 |
36·7 |
Other area both peaks |
87 |
55·1 |
Mixed areas |
13 |
8·2 |
Redeployed |
Both peaks |
20 |
12·7 |
Neither peak |
102 |
64·6 |
Mixed redeployment |
36 |
22·8 |
Allied Health Professional, BME: Black Minority Ethnicities, ANP: Advanced
Nurse Practitioner, OT: Occupational Therapist, PT: Physiotherapist, SALT:
Speech and Language Therapist, ITU: Intensive Therapy Unit.