Table 4: Students general perceptions about the drug use campaign and related activities.

Different activities performed


Original statements (translated from Portuguese to English)

Building the knowledge and creating the flyer material

- “I was encouraged to develop my critical thinking skills during the cases evaluation.”

- “Participation and interaction with the professor and classmates stimulated reflection about the problems pointed out in the clinical cases.”

- “Many of the critical points discussed with the clinical cases are problems that usually go unnoticed. As future healthcare professionals, we will face the challenge of learning to identify these problems.”

- “The problem-based learning allowed us to contextualize the information – “practical theory” - and facilitated the choice of information to be subsequently placed in the flyer.”

- “The methodology used by the professors was important for a more complete understanding and to give us motivation to search for new information.”

- “By means of the activities performed, I could understand the importance of clear and objective writing of the flyer.”

- “It was our responsibility to provide correct information to people, therefore the activity was very valuable.”

- “My colleagues and I realized that cooperation and written communication skills are important for our education as qualified and exemplary pharmacists.”

- “The use of the online collaborative platform allowed us to interact with each other and it was possible to do the activity when and where we preferred.”

- “We were encouraged to seek additional information for our writing and to make it easy to understand for the general population by developing clear and objective language.”

- “I already possessed the knowledge, but the methodology for the flyer creation helped to organize it.”

- “This group activity highlighted the importance of working as a team and the importance of everyone in the group doing their best.”

Training session before the campaign

- “The training was very useful in preparing us for interacting with the public.”

- “The training and communication tips contributed to raising my self-confidence.”

- “I had difficulties related to shyness, but the training session helped me.”

- “The reality of the campaign was different from the training session. This was probably because the training was held among the students, with familiar people with a known educational level, without the concerns that a real conversation would inspire. Even though, I appreciated the training step before the campaign.”

Conduct of the campaign

- “The knowledge and learning acquired from the campaign are worth more than being in a classroom.”

- “We learned more in practicing our profession rather than in studying for tests on often inapplicable material.”

- “As future healthcare professionals, the campaign was a way to encourage improvement of public speaking and communication strategies.”

- “I have never had a previous experience of interaction with the public. Therefore, such activity was very important to me.”

- “The public were, in general, very receptive to the information. This fact motivated us.”

- “The campaign went above my expectations and I felt fulfilled afterwards, despite my hesitation before the activity.”

- “Observing the doubts and the receptivity of the public during the campaign, we had the opportunity to practice healthcare education.”

General comments

- “Progress was observed during the semester. The campaign, however, combined all of the information and knowledge.”

- “During the campaign and related activities performed, my colleague and I observed our own evolution.”

- “My maturity developed during the activities proposed.”

- “I could see the importance of active learning methodologies proposed by our professors.”

- “In the beginning, some of my colleagues and I were not interested in the construction and implementation of the campaign, but, during the process and afterwards, we recognized its importance and considered it a rewarding experience, unlike our initial expectations.”

- “The acquired knowledge from the campaign and related activities were very applicable to my pharmaceutical education.”