Table 3: Associations between ESS, ISI, FCRI and Anxiety and Fatigue.


Estimate (95% CI)

Estimate (95% CI)1

Association with Anxiety Score

ESS Score

0.37 (0.83,0.08)

P = 0.11

0.30 (0.86,0.26)

P = 0.30

ISI Score

0.37 (0.05,0.79)

P = 0.08

0.38 (0.05,0.72)

P = 0.02

FCRI Score

0.39 (0.20,0.98)

P = 0.20

0.62 (0.19,1.05)

P = 0.01

Association with Fatigue Score

ESS Score

0.25 (0.20,0.70)

P = 0.27

0.22 (0.19,0.63)

P = 0.30

ISI Score

0.31 (0.20,0.83)

P = 0.24

0.47 (0.14,1.08)

P = 0.13

FCRI Score

0.32 (0.14,0.50)

P < 0.01

0.39 (0.25,0.52)

P < 0.01

1: Adjusted for age at transplant, race, and gender.

ESS: Epworth Sleepiness Scale; ISI: Insomnia Severity Index; FCRI: Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory.