Table 3: Number of formed and forming nodules observed per vitamin K treatment.


Formed Nodule

Forming Nodule

Total Nodules

1000 nM

0.7 (1.6)bc

0.2 (0.4)aA

0.8 (2.0)A

500 nM

3.2 (1.2)B

1.7 (1.6)bB

4.8 (1.6)aB

100 nM

3.0 (1.9)B

1.5 (1.2)bB

4.5 (2.9)aB

50 nM

2.5 (2.8)aBC

2.0 (2.3)bB

4.5 (4.8)aB

10 nM

1.5 (2.7)AB

0.8 (1.2)aA

2.3 (2.5)bB



0.3 (0.5)aA

0.3 (0.5)aA

Osteogenic Media

2.3 (2.1)aB

1.8 (1.5)B

4.2 (2.1)B

ABLeast square means (±SD) within each column without common superscripts differ significantly (p<0.01).

abcLeast square means (±SD) within each column without common superscripts differ significantly (p<0.05).