Table 2: Shear Bond Strength expressed in MPa: means ± standard deviations. In brackets, the lowest and highest values reached in each group. The capital letters indicate statistically significant differences between the same adhesive system with and without previous acid etching. The presence of lowercase letters shows statistically significant differences between the different adhesives.

Adhesive System

No Pre-etching


Adper Prompt L-Pop

20.61 ± 11.84 (3.18/47.11)ab

16.17 ± 9.68 (4.93/37.72)e


11.44 ± 6.99 (3.82/32.31)Aa

20.12 ± 9.39 (4.93/35.65)A

Clearfil SE

17.29 ± 10.16 (5.41/42.02)Bc

25.96 ± 11.75 (8.28/50.13)Bde


7.88 ± 4.85 (0.16/18.78)Cbc

14,28 ± 9.42 (3.98/42.81)Cd