Table 4: PIOPED I Criteria in the assessment of PE [22].


Normal perfusion

Very low probability

One to three smalla perfusion defects; normal chest radiograph; ventilation irrelevant

Low probability

Non-segmentalb perfusion defects

Single moderatec & perfusion defect; chest radiograph normal; ventilation irrelevant

Any perfusion defect substantially smaller than chest film defect; ventilation irrelevant

Ventilation/perfusion match ≤50% of lung including ≤75% of 1 lung zoned with normal or almost normal chest radiograph

More than 3 smalla perfusion defects; chest film and ventilation irrelevant

3 or fewer small perfusion/chest film matches; ventilation irrelevant

Indeterminate or intermediate

Abnormality that is not defined clearly by other criteria

High probability

2 or more largee & perfusion defects; ventilation and chest film normal

2 or more largee & perfusion defects in which perfusion defect is substantially larger than either matching ventilation or chest film defect

2 or more moderatec perfusion defects and one large perfusion defect; ventilation and chest film normal

4 or more moderatec perfusion defects; ventilation and chest film normal

aSmall is 25% or less of an anatomic segment.

bNon-segmental means very small effusion, cardiomegaly, hila, etc.

cModerate means >25% and <75% of a segment.

dLung zone means upper, middle, or lower third of the lung.

eLarge means >75% of a segment.