Table 1: Pain and distress scoring criteria.

Body Weight

     0  Normal

     1  < 10% weight loss

     2  10 - 15 % weight loss, eating

     3  > 20% weight loss, not eating


     0  Normal

     1  Lack of grooming

     2  Coat rough, possible nasal or ocular discharge

     3  Coat very rough, abnormal posture, eyes sunken and glazed

Clinical Signs

     0  Normal

     1  Diarrhea, constipation

     2  Respiratory rates altered, respiratory depth altered, skin tents

     3  Cyanotic extremities, laboured breathing

Unprovoked Behaviour

    0  Normal

    1  minor changes

    2  Abnormal behaviours, less mobile, less alert, inactive when activity expected

    3  Paralysis, inability to remain upright, shivering, convulsion