Table 1: Summary of previously reported clinical and MRI findings of PMEDF.


Primary Symptoms

MRI findings


Differential Diagnosis

Hawkins J C et al. (2018) [1]

40 M, seven days of cauda equina

Left heterogeneous hyperintense mass at L4-L5

decompression laminectomy at L4-5

Epidural tumor and abscess

C.Y. Chen et al. (2006) [2]

75 M, radiculopathy

Right isointense mass with rim enhancement at L2-L3

Decompression laminectomy at L2-L3


Morito takano et al. (2017) [3]

78 M, LBP, gait disturbance and bilateral legs numbness

Left ring Enhancing lesion L3-L4

Decompression laminectomy from L2-L4

Epidural Hematoma and abscess

Dosoglu M et al. (2001) [6]

47 M, 15 days of cauda equina

Left ring Enhancing Lesion L3-L4

decompression by fenestration at L3-L4