Antibacterial Drugs Utilization among Patients Admitted to Medical Wards of Magway Regional Hospital

Antibacterial Drugs Utilization among Patients Admitted to Medical Wards of Magway Regional Hospital

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Lai Lai Soe
University of Medicine, Magway, Myanmar


Background: Drug utilization studies are important elucidation tools for prescribing habits in particular therapeutic field and they play a key role in helping the healthcare personnel to understand, interpret and improve the prescribing, administration and use of medications. Objectives: This study was undertaken to identify amount of antibacterial drugs used and utilization patterns of antibacterial drugs in medical wards of Magway Regional Hospital. Methods: This study is a hospital-based, cross-sectional, descriptive study and was carried out for a period of four months. Data regarding antibacterial prescription during hospital stay were collected from medical record files of patients. The data were evaluated by Microsoft Excel software. Results: In this study, the most common indications for antibacterials were respiratory tract infections (43.34%) followed by gastrointestinal tract infections (16.27%). Out of 879 patients, 52.10% were prescribed by single antibacterial agent and in 47.90%, combination of antibacterials was necessary to be given. Antibacterials were prescribed by oral route in 29.58% and parenteral route were prescribed in 29.35% while 41.07% patients received antibacterials by both oral and parenteral routes. Antibacterials were prescribed with generic name in 64% and trade name in 36%. Cephalosporins were the most commonly prescribed drugs, 68.26%, followed by penicillin groups and quinolones, 53.58% and 16.27% respectively. In this study, 13 drugs included in DU90% segment were amoxicillin and β-lactamase inhibitor combination (22.26%), ceftriaxone (16.05%), cefuroxime (8.26%), levofloxacin (7.67%), amoxicillin and flucloxacillin combination (7.27%), metronidazole (6.89%),clarithromycin (4.74%), cefixime (4.68%), co-trimoxazole (4.24%), ceftazidime (2.6%), azithromycin (2.46%), cefoperazone and β-lactamase inhibitor combination (1.65%) and clindamycin (1.64%). Conclusions: The findings from this study will provide the documentary evidence regarding antibacterial utilization patterns in treatment of a variety of infections and antibacterial drugs include in DU90% segment. This information generally contributes data for making decision of purchasing medicines or preparing drug budgets.

Article Info

Article Type
Research Article
Publication history
Received: Sat 15, Feb 2020
Accepted: Wed 01, Apr 2020
Published: Tue 28, Apr 2020
© 2023 Lai Lai Soe. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.DDA.2019.01.05