article = {ACR-2020-1-103} title = {Clinical Update on Anaesthetic Management of Free Flap Surgery in Cervico Facial Cancer Patients} journal = {Anesthesia and Clinical Research} year = {2020} issn = {2733-2500} doi = {} url = { author = {Cyrus Motamed,Lauriane Bordenave,Stéphanie Suria,} keywords = {Free flap, cervico facial cancer, peripheral catheter, opioid free anaesthesia} abstract ={Intraoperative anaesthesia management in oro-facial cancer surgical patients requiring free flap tissue transfer is evolving. In this paper we updated our intraoperative clinical protocol using our own experience in combination with the latest literature. The main areas of change include videolaryngoscopic awake intubation in case of difficult airway management, combination of regional anaesthesia with peripheral catheter to decrease intraoperative opioid consumption, and postoperative pain and finally opioid free anaesthesia techniques using dexmedetomidine.}