article = {COR-2020-3-111} title = {Acute Esophageal Necrosis (AEN) - A Rare Syndrome: Report of a Case in a Patient with an Underlying Malignancy and Review of the Literature} journal = {Clinical Oncology and Research} year = {2020} issn = {2613-4942} doi = {} url = { author = {Barranco Cao Raquel,Garzón Carlos,Herrera María,Molina Mercedes,Ortega Ruipérez Carolina ,Zenzola Víctor,} keywords = {Acute esophageal necrosis, cancer, radiotherapy, chemotherapy} abstract ={Acute Esophageal Necrosis (AEN) is a rare medical disorder characterized by a diffuse circumferential black esophageal mucosa. The majority of patients present with signs of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Diagnosis is based on esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Treatment consists of intravenous fluids, proton pomp inhibitors and treatment of the underlying illness. We report a case of acute necrotizing oesophagitis (AEN) with an underlying malignancy. }