article = {IJSCR-2021-2-101} title = {Use of Accessible Blood Filter for Post-operative Cell Salvage in Cardiac Surgery} journal = {International Journal of Surgical Case Reports} year = {2021} issn = {2674-4171} doi = {} url = { author = {Rosita Bihariesingh,Pieter Voigt,Rakesh Bansie,} keywords = {Cardiac surgery, post-operative bleeding, cell salvage technology} abstract ={The availability of centrifugal cell savers supports intraoperative cell salvage and thereby reduces the need for allogeneic red blood cell transfusion. Use of these devices, however, is limited to the operating room, forcing a switch to allogeneic products in the post-operative setting. Here we present a case of massive post-operative bleeding due to severe coagulopathy following CABG. Due to the lack of availability of donor blood products a novel blood filter (HemoClear BV, Zwolle, the Netherlands) was used for post-operative salvage. Because of its accessible use, we believe this salvage device has great clinical value in the poor-resource setting.}