article = {JCMCR-2020-3-102} title = {Antibody Formation in COVID-19 and Immunisation} journal = {Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports} year = {2020} issn = {2733-2268} doi = {} url = { author = {James Pandarakalam,} keywords = {Neutralising antibody, vaccine, COVID-19, specific immunity} abstract ={Antibody testing is vital in the study of the dangerousness, spread, identification of high-risk individuals and vaccine production against SARS-CoV-2. Viruses leave trails in the infected body and the immunologists turn out to be the detectives examining these viral footprints. There are two major types of tracks or memory responses that can be utilized by the body against reinfection: B cells which produce antibodies and T cells organising responses through cytotoxic cells and restricting viral replication. T cells’ memory of SARS-CoV-2 appears to last longer than antibodies and immunisation can activate T cells as well if it fails to induce long term antibody production. The immune history of SARS-CoV-2 is a huge jigsaw puzzle; several pieces are still missing. This viral research has met with a shortage of valuable foundational knowledge because of the sudden appearance of the virus and its spread. COVID-19 has posed an existential problem for the whole of human society.}