article = {JICOA-2020-2-110} title = {CT-Angiogram Appearance of Iatrogenic Azygos Vein Perforation} journal = {Journal of Integrative Cardiology Open Access} year = {2020} issn = {2674-2489} doi = {} url = { author = {Catherine Lalonde,Étienne Dallaire,Gahide Gérald,Guillaume Garneau,Mathieu Béland,Mireille Méthot,} keywords = {Pacemaker, Azygos vein perforation, Azygos vein cannulation, CT-angiogram, Complication} abstract ={An elderly woman underwent placement of a pacemaker lead which was complicated by accidental azygos vein cannulation and perforation. However not a very uncommon complication, we report here several findings on CT-angiogram which highlight imaging pitfalls of this entity. We also review how the case was clinically managed. }