article = {JSCR-2020-1-107} title = {Modified Transperitoneal Ports Configuration Technique and Docking with the da Vinci Surgical System Xi for Combined Pancreaticoduodenectomy and Right Partial Nephrectomy} journal = {Surgery Case Reports} year = {2020} issn = {2733-225X} doi = {} url = { author = {Lim Tze Ying Benjamin,SK Lim,WL Yam,AKH Chiow,LS Lee,} keywords = {Robotics, surgery, minimally invasive, kidney cancer, partial nephrectomy, pancreatic cancer, pancreaticoduodenectomy} abstract ={A 68-year-old man with ampullary cancer and clear cell renal cell carcinoma of the kidney underwent a combined robot-assisted laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy and right partial nephrectomy. We report a combined robot assisted surgery for both procedures done at the same setting. }