article = {JSCR-2023-3-103} title = {Penetrating Ulcer of the Ascending Aorta Associated With Intramural Hematoma and Complicated by Dissection: A Case Report} journal = {Surgery Case Reports} year = {2023} issn = {2733-225X} doi = {} url = { author = {Benlafqih C,Abdel Malick Idrissa,Briki J,Saadouni Y,Rhissassi J,Sayah R,Laaroussi M,} keywords = {Atheromatous ulcer, intramural hematoma, aortic dissection, ascending aorta} abstract ={Acute aortic syndromes are composed of aortic dissection (AD), intramural hematoma (IMH) and penetrating or atheromatous ulcer of the aorta (PAU). Three entities well individualized on the etiological, pathophysiological and therapeutic level, but whose evolutionary border towards one of the forms is not so clear. We report the case of a patient operated on for PAU associated with IMH complicated with AD.}