article = {JSR-2019-1-108} title = {Surgical Outcome of Anterior Encephalocele: Report of Two Cases and Review of Literature} journal = {Journal of Surgery and Rehabilitation} year = {2019} issn = {2733-2551} doi = {} url = { author = { NJ Ismail,Aliyu Muhammad Koko,B.B Shehu,Lasseini A,} keywords = {Fronto-ethmoidal encephalocele, surgical outcome, neonate} abstract ={Anterior encephalocele is unusual neurosurgical condition seen worldwide. We managed two cases of anterior encephalocele: a five-day old neonate that presented with fronto-ethmoidal swelling noticed since birth. Clinical and radiological evaluations (computerised tomography scan) were in keeping with frontoethmoidal encephalocele. The patient had excision and duroplasty via an extracranial-lesional approach. There was excellent post-operative recovery and good cosmetic appearance. The second case was a 6- month-old infant who was diagnosed with ethmoidal encephalocele and congenital hydrocephalus, had ventriculoperitoneal shunt, excision and repair of encephalocele and cranioplasty using autogenous bone graft had remarkable post-operative recovery and was discharged home.}