article = {SCR-2019-4-107} title = {Management of uncontained bone voids with Calcium Sulphate Ceramic (Modified Masquelet / Modified AMIC with Cerament Bio-Composite) Case report and review of literature} journal = {Surgical Case Reports} year = {2019} issn = {2613-5965} doi = {} url = { author = {Ahmed Aljawadi, Mazin Al-salihy,Anand Pillai,Noman Shakeel Niazi,} keywords = {Large bone void, cerament G, chondrotissue, septocoll E, traumatic chondral loss} abstract ={Introduction: Large traumatic bone voids are challenging to treat. Autografts are associated with donor site morbidity and limited availability. Bone graft substitutes are successful alternative to fill bone voids. Case Presentation: The management of two patients with an open tibial fracture with segmental bone loss and other patient with periarticular calcaneal void associated with chondral loss. Treatment and outcomes: For first case, a contained cavity was made using Septocoll E, an absorbable collagen fleece, to mimic a pseudo-membrane using Masquelet-technique. Bone void was filled with Cerament-G and autologous bone graft. Second case with large peri-articular calcaneal void and chondral loss, Cerament-G and autologous bone graft were used, and articular defect reconstruction was done with synthetic chondral tissue. Both patients had painless mobility and consolidation of bone void. Discussion: We represent two exceptional cases of traumatic bone void which were treated with modified masquelet/modified AMIC with Cerament Bio-Composite with satisfactory outcomes. }