article = {SCR-2020-8-121} title = {Multimodal and Mini-Invasive Treatment of a Multifocal Metastatic Mid-Gut Neuroendocrine Tumor: A Surgical Case Report} journal = {Surgical Case Reports} year = {2020} issn = {2613-5965} doi = {} url = { author = {Annamaria Ruggieri,Fabrizio Gambarini,Carlo D’Angelo,Benedetta Montagna,Guido Poggi,Mario Martinotti,} keywords = {Neuroendocrine tumors, nodal dissection, laparoscopic ileal dissection} abstract ={Neuroendocrine tumors represent the most common small bowel malignancy. At the time of presentation, they often debut as metastatic disease. Consensus guidelines recommend a multimodal and multidisciplinary approach that includes punctual investigations, aggressive surgical resection of the primary tumor and the assessment of possible synchronous metastasis through surgical procedures or ablative techniques. This report details the case of a 77-year-old male with a multifocal mid-gut neuroendocrine tumor with nodal dissemination and synchronous hepatic metastasis. He underwent a laparoscopic procedure that included an ileal resection with intracorporeal side-to-side ileo-ileal anastomosis, a large mesenteric nodal dissection extended up to superior mesenteric vein, a laparoscopic dissection of hepatic metastasis and an ultra-soundguided thermal ablation of two hepatic metastasis. This case highlights the efficacy of laparoscopy, providing a mini-invasive radical treatment and the importance of an aggressive multimodal approach in facing a metastatic multifocal mid-gut neuroendocrine tumor.}