article = {SCR-2022-7-103} title = {Draping for Minimally-Invasive Hypopharyngeal Sleep Surgery using a Nasotracheal Tube: Surgical Technique} journal = {Surgical Case Reports} year = {2022} issn = {2613-5965} doi = {} url = { author = {Ankit Patel ,Amro Hassan,Thusith Wickrama,Bhik Kotecha,} keywords = {Intubation, obstructive sleep apnea, nasal cartilages, minimally invasive surgical procedures} abstract ={Nasotracheal intubation is widely used for elective maxillofacial and ENT surgery and allows a superior visual field during sleep surgery. Traditional draping methods can result in nasal injury. We describe an alternative method of draping during nasotracheal intubation which avoids this risk.}