TY - JOUR AR - JICOA-2019-4-104 TI - A Huge Endocarditis Pseudoaneurysm in Bicuspid Aortic Valve AU - Cinzia, Nugara AU - Emerico, Ballo AU - Filippo Maria, Sarullo AU - Giuseppa, Caccamo AU - Giuseppe , Vitale AU - Laura, Vassallo AU - Sebastiano, Castrovinci AU - Silvia, Sarullo AU - Silvia, Vitale JO - Journal of Integrative Cardiology Open Access PY - 2019 DA - Fri 18, Oct 2019 SN - 2674-2489 DO - http://dx.doi.org/10.31487/j.JICOA.2019.04.04 UR - https://www.sciencerepository.org/a-huge-endocarditis-pseudoaneurysm-in-bicuspid-aortic-valve_JICOA-2019-4-104 KW - Bicuspid aortic valve, echocardiography, endocarditis, valve disease AB - Infective endocarditis is a disease associated with high mortality and severe complications. We report a case of a young shepherd affected by valvular endocarditis on a bicuspid aortic valve, complicated by a pseudoaneurysm with periaortic abscess. Thanks to the use of multimodality diagnostic imaging (particular echocardiogram, Magnetic Risonance Imaging, Computed tomography-scan and coronary angiography), it was possible to make a correct diagnosis, in order to plan a tailored surgical strategy and to reduce the perioperative risks. The operation consisted of myocardial revascularization, closure of the annular pseudoaneurysm and aortic valve replacement with mechanical prosthesis. The patient maintained normal inflammation indices and was discharged at home in the absence of relevant clinical events. Infective endocarditis is a deadly disease. Multimodality imaging is crucial to clarify anatomical distorsions that can occur in complicated cases.