TY - JOUR AR - JICOA-2020-6-102 TI - Sudden Cardiac Arrest as the First Manifestation of Takayasu Arteritis AU - Stephane, Manzo-Silberman AU - Alix de , Gonneville AU - Martin , Nicol AU - Sylvie , Meireles AU - Thiziri , Simoussi AU - Elise , Paven AU - Anne-Claire , Desbois AU - David , Saadoun AU - Guillaume , Lebreton JO - Journal of Integrative Cardiology Open Access PY - 2020 DA - Thu 10, Dec 2020 SN - 2674-2489 DO - http://dx.doi.org/10.31487/j.JICOA.2020.06.02 UR - https://www.sciencerepository.org/sudden-cardiac-arrest-as-the-first-manifestation-of-takayasu-arteritis_JICOA-2020-6-102 KW - Coronary artery disease, coronary artery imaging, inflammation, systemic, resuscitation, women heart disease AB - Management of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) remains challenging, particularly in young patients. Takayasu arteritis is a rare large-vessel vasculitis relatively. Coronary involvement has been previously described; we provided the first intracoronary images by OCT. We report the first case of OHCA with shockable rhythm revealing chronic total occlusion of the left main in a 41-year-old lady. The coronary anomaly made it possible to diagnose the vasculitis and to treat it by corticosteroid and immunosuppressive treatment. Vasculitis should be evoked in atypical coronary syndrome in young patients. A collaborative multidisciplinary approach permits optimal care for this complex patient.