Darius Aw Kang Lie,Jack Kian Chng,Yuxin Guo, Endovascular Treatment in a Case of Phelgmasia Cerulean Doleans American Journal of Surgical Case Reports 2019 2674-5046 http://dx.doi.org/10.31487/j.AJSCR.2019.01.02 https://www.sciencerepository.org/endovascular-treatment-in-a-case_AJSCR-2019-1-102 Abstract: Background: Phlegmasia cerulean dolens (PCD) is an uncommon and severe manifestation of massive proximal venous thrombosis of the lower extremities associated with a high degree of morbidity and mortality. Case: We describe a case of a 67-year-old gentleman with metastatic gastric neuroendocrine tumour, who developed PCD of his left lower limb. He underwent endovascular thrombectomy with thrombolysis and stent placement with good effect. Discussion: Characterised by severe venous outflow obstruction, marked limb swelling, pain and discolouration, PCD can lead to venous gangrene, congestion with massive fluid sequestration and circulatory collapse if left untreated. Various treatment modalities were reported with varying outcomes, morbidity and mortality. Conclusion: A multifaceted approach to PCD may be required for successful limb salvage, taking into account the risks and benefits of each treatment modality. Keywords: Pelgmasia cerulean doleans, venous thrombosis, thrombectomy, stenting, thrombolysis