Naveed Abbas,Shahid Kaimkhani, Gastric Outlet Obstruction: An Unusual Hernia American Journal of Surgical Case Reports 2020 2674-5046 Abstract: An 85-year-old male presented to the emergency with recurrent acute vomiting, abdominal distension and long standing constipation. Background history was significant for a large, incarcerated inguinoscrotal hernia and congestive cardiac failure. Computed tomography scan showed non-dilated large bowel loops along with part of the gastric antrum and omentum in the hernial sac. He was managed conservatively with bowel rest as he refused decompression. He settled well on conservative management and was started on light diet after 48 hours with progressive upgrading of food to which he showed good tolerance. He also resumed normal bowel movements during the same time. During his admission he was managed by Cardiology for congestive cardiac failure. He was discharged home with instructions and education about findings to both patient and carers and for follow up to discuss possible endoscopy. Keywords: Hernia, obstruction, gastric