Colin A. Ross,Melissa Caldwell Engle,John Edmonson,Alexis Garcia, Reductions in Symptomatology from Admission to Discharge at a Residential Treatment Center for Substance Use Disorders: A Replication Study Psychological Disorders and Research 2020 2674-2470 Abstract: A replication study of treatment outcomes for patients at a residential treatment center for substance use disorders was conducted. A set of measures was completed on admission and discharge by 200 patients admitted to a residential treatment center for substance use disorders. Participants in the replication sample did not differ from those in the initial sample of 100 on age, gender or average length of stay, or on baseline scores on the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire or the Drug Abuse Screening Test. Nor did they differ on admission or discharge scores on the Dissociative Experiences Scale, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory or the PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version. The results show that the marked symptom reductions seen in the initial study can be replicated. This is an important step in ongoing research on treatment outcomes for substance use disorders. The treatment provided was multimodal and trauma-informed and incorporated Twelve Step and other approaches.Keywords: Residential treatment center, substance use disorders, replicated treatment outcome