A Darawsha,A Mahajna,A Assalia,I Ghersin,M Postnikov,S. Sayida, Clear Cell Sarcoma-Like Tumor of GI Tract – Rare and Aggressive Tumor: A Case Report Surgical Case Reports 2020 2613-5965 http://dx.doi.org/10.31487/j.SCR.2020.06.24 https://www.sciencerepository.org/clear-cell-sarcoma-like-tumor-of-gi-tract-rare-and_SCR-2020-6-124 Abstract: Clear cell sarcoma-like tumor of GI tract is an extremely rare and aggressive tumor affecting mainly young patients and usually involves the small bowel. Herein, we report a case of acute small bowel obstruction in a 31-year-old male, secondary to Clear cell sarcoma-like tumorKeywords: Clear cell sarcoma-like tumor, mesenchymal neoplasm, rare tumor, surgical management