Willem Pype,Rajesh Sisodiya,Sebastiaan Van Cauwenberge, Symptomatic Preperitoneal Lipoma Resected via Preperitoneal Approach: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Surgical Case Reports 2023 2613-5965 http://dx.doi.org/10.31487/j.SCR.2023.06.03 https://www.sciencerepository.org/symptomatic-preperitoneal-lipoma-resected_SCR-2023-6-103 Abstract: Introduction: Lipomas are benign adipose tissue tumors that can vary in size and location. Magnetic resonance images should be obtained for all soft-tissue masses that are deep to fascia or those >5 cm in subcutaneous tissue. In this case report, we present a minimal invasive technique to resect a large preperitoneal lipoma. Case Presentation: A 36-year-old woman presenting with left fossa pain caused by a large mass. MRI-imaging shows a large preperitoneal lipomatous lesion (61 × 58 × 40 mm) which compresses the bladder, tuba and surrounding vessels. We did a minimally invasive preperitoneal laparoscopic surgical resection. Postoperative follow-up was uneventful. The pathology report confirmed benign lipoma without signs of malignancy. Discussion: Preperitoneal lipomas should be considered in the diagnosis of lower abdominal pain and can be minimally invasive resected via preperitoneal laparoscopic approach in day clinic.Keywords: Preperitoneal lipoma, minimally invasive technique, laparoscopic surgical resection