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Editorial board
- Bo Pan
- Saeid Bouzari
- Gabriel Alberto March Rosselló
- G.Narasimha
- Leonid P Titov
- Sutep Jaruratanasirikul
Bo Pan
Division of Basic Biomedical Science
The University of South Dakota
Saeid Bouzari
Department of Molecular Biology
Pasteur Institute of Iran
Gabriel Alberto March Rosselló
Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid
G. Narasimha
Assistant Professor
Department of Virology
Sri Venkateswara University
Leonid P Titov
Department of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology
Republican Research & Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
Republic of Belarus
Sutep Jaruratanasirikul
Department of Medicine
Prince of Songkla University
Journal Clinical Microbiology and Research (Clin Microbiol Res) (ISSN 2674-418X)
Aims and Scope
Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Research is open access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to promote basic to advanced research relevant to therapy, diagnostics and their applications in microbiology, virology, parasitology, epidemiology, immunology, and other re-emerging infectious diseases.
Clinical Microbiology and Research serve as a strong scientific bridge between all the clinicians, researchers and readers all around the globe to share and spread knowledge about the recent and advanced techniques in clinical microbiology and its related disciplines. CMR aids the scientific community by incorporating awareness in recent research works. Clinical microbiologists, epidemiologists, immunologists, pathologists, infectious disease specialists and public health workers all turn to the journal to discover the current state of knowledge in the field and thought-provoking perspectives on controversial matters of the research.
CMR accepts all types of research articles and provides a broad scope in the field of clinical microbiology. All the manuscripts submitted to the journal are subject to double-blinded peer review and the journal editorial body ensures to maintain a rich quality of the articles.
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For submission authors can directly submit manuscript to
Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the respective manuscript submitted.
- 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
- Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
- Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance
In Press Volume 4, Issue 1
Division of Basic Biomedical Science
The University of South Dakota
Dr. Bo Pan completed his Ph.D. from China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. He worked as a research assistant in the department of Antibody Engineering and Immunology, State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, P R China. He has numerous publications in peer reviewed journals, book chapters, book editing, journal editorial boards and reviewer. He has a good record of publications on privileged peer-reviewed journals like Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, World Journal of Neuroscience etc. In research, he focuses on the pathogenesis of Prion-disease, neurodegenerative diseases, rabies, Encephalitozoonosis and Avian influenza disease. He has more than 24 publications, which has been cited for 86 times so far. Currently he is a postdoc of the department of Basic Biomedical Science, University of South Dakota, USA.
Research Interest: Protein degradation in neurodegeneration, molecular mechanisms of neuroprotection; Molecular mechanisms of progression of various heart diseases to congestive heart failure; Antibody engineering for infectious disease prevention and control, and bacteriophage-based prevention and treatment of multi-drug resistance bacterial infections.
Current Issue Volume 3, Issue 1
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Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the respective manuscript submitted.
- 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
- Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
- Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance
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