Clinical Oncology and Research
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Burhan Abdollahi

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Igor Ivanovich Larkin

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Katia Avina Padilla

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Richa Chauhan

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Juan Carlos Ibañez

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Seke Manase Ephraim Kazuma
Journal Clinical Oncology and Research (Clin Oncol Res) (ISSN 2613-4942)
APC Waiver
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Aims and Scope
Clinical Oncology and Research is a peer-reviewed (double-blind) open access journal which is published by Science Repository. This journal presents exciting and vital experimental and theoretical developments in Clinical Oncology and Research and reports on advances in research methodologies in these multidisciplinary subjects. Clinical Oncology and Research accepts research articles, reviews, mini-reviews, case reports and technical papers. Acceptance of more clinically-oriented articles are welcome if they cover therapeutic options of the primary and secondary tumors.
This journal publishes clinical cases and studies from cancer programs having significance globally along with important in-depth discussions of evolving and controversial topics in the oncology arena and important translational laboratory findings. It also includes literature awareness in the field of latest developments in immunotherapy and radiotherapy, concise analysis and commentary, and review articles holding strong relevance to the clinical setting. Clinical Oncology and Research aims in contributing to cancer prevention, diagnosis, early detection, rehabilitation and cure.
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Recent Published Articles
In Press Volume 6, Issue 2
Editorial Board
Bipul R. Acharya
Assistant Professor (Research)
Cell Biology
University of Virginia, School of Medicine
United States
About Me
My research activities for the past decade and half centre on the role of cytoskeleton and its associated proteins in epithelial homeostasis and pathogenesis. In my PhD, I elucidated the antimitotic mechanism of naturally available quinones, which target tubulin-microtubule system in epithelial cancer cells. My training as a postdoctoral fellow has been very broad, with multiple mentors and universities working together to help train me in both cytoskeleton remodeling and cellular mechanotransduction. This is shown in the research projects I have been involved in, which include the mechanism of epithelial polarity regulation by microtubule motor protein and a unique mechanotransduction mechanism at epithelial cell-cell junction that reinforces tissue integrity, in response to mechanical forces. Particularly, I strive to understand the signaling events that cells elicit in response to mechanical forces that they experience relentlessly. Recently, we elucidate the unique force transduction mechanism that reinforces epithelial tissue integrity when it is exposed to both external and cell-intrinsic mechanical forces, via cytoskeleton remodeling. In addition, we are developing our knowledge in endothelial mechanotransduction in response to hemodynamic forces in blood vessel, which is implicated in both vascular homeostasis and vascular diseases in adult organs. We use advanced imaging, in vitro (primary cell and co-culture systems), in situ (organoids) and the mouse model system to study cellular mechanotransduction. My future scientific career goal is to establish an innovation driven translational research platform that investigates the mechanisms of epithelial and endothelial aging to combat age-associated chronic diseases and assesses potential therapeutic strategies to extend both lifespan and healthspan of aged patients.
Rajesh Nivarti Gacche
Department of Biotechnology
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Rajesh N. Gacche (Ph.D. LL.B.) is presently working as a Professor & Head, Department of Biotechnology of Savitribai Phule Pune University (Previous Pune University), India. Prof. Rajesh has excellent track record of publications of over 100 research articles in journals of repute, 5 patents and also completed over dozens of research projects in the area of Biomedical Research in general and Cancer Biology in particular. He has visited countries like USA, China, Austria, Singapore etc. for collaborative research. Prof. Rajesh has passion of teaching Biology by linking it with evolving pathophysiological concerns of human ailments.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Specialty Medicine
Ohio University College of Medicine
United States
Dr. Ronney Abaza is a native of Toledo, Ohio, and earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Michigan. He then attended Northwestern University Medical School before returning to his hometown for residency training in Urology at the University of Toledo Medical Center. Dr. Abaza began his practice in Toledo and specialized in robotic surgery to expand access to advanced robotic procedures for patients in the area. He was the first in Northwest Ohio to perform robotic kidney cancer surgery, robotic ureteral surgery, robotic urinary diversion and robotic bladder cancer surgery. The practice Dr. Abaza founded continues to lead the Toledo community in robotic surgery. Dr. Abaza served as the founder and medical director of St. Vincent Hospital’s Laparoscopy, Simulation & Robotics Training Center. As a faculty member at the University of Toledo College of Medicine, Dr. Abaza performed research in surgical techniques, performed kidney transplantation and instructed medical students and residents. Dr. Abaza continues to develop new techniques in robotic urologic surgery and was the first to develop many clinical research protocols involving robotic prostate, kidney, bladder and other urologic surgeries. This research allows him to analyze his patient results and continuously improve his outcomes by refining techniques and creating new ways to perform robotic surgery for complex conditions. Many state, regional and national urologic societies have honored Dr. Abaza with awards to recognize him for his pioneering leadership in the field of robotic research. As one of the world’s foremost authorities on robotic urology, Dr. Abaza has been sought after as a speaker at national and international society meetings, and he has given more than 90 presentations on robotic prostate, kidney and bladder surgery. His work in robotic surgery has been published extensively in medical journals, including articles on several new robotic procedures and techniques performed for the first time ever by Dr. Abaza. Two such techniques were featured on the covers of major urology journals in 2011, including the Journal of Endourology and European Urology. Dr. Abaza is also passionate about teaching robotic surgical techniques and has been instructing surgeons in multiple fields for several years. He organized and directed the National Urology Resident Preceptorship in Robotic Urologic Surgery, the first-of-its-kind program dedicated to robotic surgery and held annually for residents from around the country over five years. He has been director of a robotic urologic surgery fellowship program since 2010, offering one year of additional training in robotic surgery for graduates of urology residency programs. Dr. Abaza is editor of a textbook that is the only published textbook dedicated to robotic kidney surgery. Dr. Abaza frequently serves as faculty for educational courses both in the U.S. and internationally and as a panelist, moderator or course director for programs at the annual meetings of various national and international medical societies, including the American College of Surgeons and American Urological Association. In 2012, he performed live robotic surgical procedures for all three of the major conferences for robotic surgeons, including the American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting, the World Congress of Endourology and the European Robotic Urology Symposium of the European Association of Urology. In 2013, Dr. Abaza moved his practice to OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital, so as to refocus all of his professional efforts on his first love, providing excellent patient care. While reducing his academic efforts with his move to Dublin Methodist, Dr. Abaza continues to track his outcomes for every patient to ensure the highest quality of care and to share his research and experience with other surgeons. He also continues to teach by continuing his fellowship and by serving as faculty for educational courses for practicing surgeons to learn or refine their robotic surgical techniques. He also continues to welcome surgeons from around the country and the world to Dublin Methodist to observe him performing robotic surgery.
José Antonio Lupiáñez
Full Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I
University of Granada
- Vedat Goral
- Niyaz Ahmad Naikoo
- Junya Sato
- Raffaele Palmirotta
- Muhammad Akram
- Kaushal Yadav
- Tarek Mohamed Kamal Motawi
- Mario J.n.m. Ouwens
- Arif Gulzar
- Bharath Govindan
- Hajar Moghadas
- Khalid Iqbal
- Miranda Li Xu
- Seyyed Shamsadin Athari
- Eman Ali Aljufairi
- Alfio Ferlito
- Hosein Azimian
- Rodrigo Costa Zeferino
- Gozde Unsoy
- Hassan Y. Ebrahim
- Khaled Elsayad
- Carlos Fonseca-alves
- Yasir Raza
- Josep M. Argiles
- Ahmed El-hussein
- Neeraj Chauhan
- Kyoung-jin Min
- Salvatore Tafuto
- Federica Lo Sardo
- Amit Sharma
- Prakash Thangavel
- Sakine Shirvalilou
- Jinjuan Yao
- Lynn Feun
- Chiara Nicolazzo
- Ahmed El-hussein
- Mohd Farhan
- Domenico Maisano
- Kavitha Rani P.r
Vedat Goral
Department of Gastroenterology
Istanbul Medipol University School of Medicine
About Me
Dr. Vedat Goral’s research interest are H. Pylori, GI malignancies, IBD, gastrointestinal endoscopy, particularly endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal neoplasms, gallstones and pancreatitis, Colonoscopy, ERCP, Cholangioscopy, pancreaticoscopy, Chromoendoscopy, Stomach balloon application, Stent application in strictures and more.
He had graduated medical school at Diyarbakir University. Professor Vedat Goral is currently working at the Department of Gastroenterology, at Istanbul Medipol University School of Medicine. Previous to this, he was working at the Dicle University from 1987 to 2012 and Izmir Medicalpark Hospital from 2012 till 2017. His specific teaching and research interests are in the areas of Gastroenterology (endoscopy, gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and ERCP). He has also published many refereed articles in journals covered by SCI and contributed some to Turkish books written in Turkish. Also, he has many abstracts at national and international congress.
Niyaz Ahmad Naikoo
Assistant Professor
Division of Biotechnology
Cluster University Srinagar
About Me
Dr. Niyaz Ahmad Naikoo Research interest is to understand the molecular mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression and developing novel strategies for diagnosis and treatment. Niyaz work focuses on studying several cancer-related signaling pathways and biological processes. These include cross talks between receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) pathways, tumor growth and metastasis development as well as resistance to existing treatments, particularly in lung cancer. Niyaz have thorough experience in in-vitro/in-vivo experiments, microscopy, microbiology, biological data analysis, interpretation and hypothesis generation mice handling, lymphocyte proliferation assays, macrophage collection test, ELISA, delayed type hypersensitive test in mice, chromatography techniques like molecular sieve chromatography, electrophoretic techniques like PAGE with more than four years of teaching/research experience and published more than 18 articles as journals, conferences and other articles. Experience in Nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) purification and handling expertise, Extensive experience with PCR and quantitative real-time PCR, Experience with primer and probe design. Hands on skills in PCR, RT-PCR. Genotyping using qPCR, Experience in SNP, SSR, ISSR, and RAPD genotyping techniques and data analysis. Familiar with sequencing technologies and molecular based disease diagnostics, proficient in data interpretation. Gene cloning (Transformation, Transfection), Establishment and maintenance of mammalian cell lines (Primary cell culture, Fibroblast Cell culture) for transfection, Differential gene expression through qPCR. Proficiency in Microsoft office, SPSS, Graphpad prism, Chromas, Clustal X,Primer designing, Familiar with sequence alignment software etc.
Dr. Niyaz Ahmad Naikoo did his PhD from Immunology & Molecular Medicine at SKIMS India post-graduation in Biotechnology from University of Kashmir, J&K India. Dr. Niyaz did his Research Associate-ship from Division of Biotechnology at SKUAST-K, J&K India. Dr. Niyaz also discharged his duties as a lecturer in Biotechnology in the Deptt. of higher education J&K India. Dr. Niyaz has numerous accomplishments to his credit and awarded with 1. National Eligibility Test Examination for Agricultural Scientists Recruitment, 2. National Eligibility Test in Life Sciences, 3. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, 4. All India Entrance Examination. Dr. Niyaz serves as an Editorial board member of several international journals (Insights in Surgery, Current Research in Molecular Medicine etc.) and is also reviewer for journals of Gene, Tumor, tumor Biology and Journal of Gene Medicine. Dr. Niyaz is an author of 21 scientific publications and 1 book. Presently Dr. Niyaz is performing his duties as an Assistant professor in the division of Biotechnology Govt. College for Women, M.A Road (Cluster University) Srinagar J&K India.
Junya Sato
Department of pharmacy
Shizuoka Cancer Center
About Me
Dr. Junya Sato research focus is on Clinical pharmaceutics, chemothrapy, palliative care, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics.
Dr. Junya Sato is a clinical pharmacist of pharmacy in the Department of Pharmacy of Shizuoka Cancer Center. He has the experience of working as clinical pharmacist of pharmacy in Hirosaki University Hospital and as clinical pharmacist of pharmacy and Lecture in the Iwate medical University. Dr. Junya Sato also have the four patents of the anticancer agent exposure countermeasure.
Raffaele Palmirotta
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Oncology
Oncogenomic Research Center, University of Bari 'Aldo Moro'
Raffaele Palmirotta received his M.D. degree in 1991 at the University of Chieti, Italy. Specialized in Clinical Pathology (summa cum laude) in 1996 and in Medical Genetic in 2006 at the University of Chieti, Italy. In 2001 Ph.D. in "Molecular diagnostic techniques for the study of hereditary cancer and gene therapy" at the University of Chieti, Italy. In 2012 he completed a Master in “Forensic Genetic”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and in 2016 a Master in “Cytogenetic” University of Rome “Roma 3”, Italy. From 1991 to 2001 he joined the Department of Oncology and Neurosciences at the University of Chieti as MD Degree. From 2001 to 2002 Researcher at the IRCCS Istituto Regina Elena per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Rome. From 2001 to 2005 Deputy Chief at the Laboratory of Clinical Pathology, IRCCS Istituto Regina Elena per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Rome. From 2005 to 2013 he joined the IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Rome, as Responsible of Molecular Diagnosis Section of “Department of Laboratory Medicine and Advanced Biotechnologies”. From 2014 to 2015full Professor at the San Raffaele Roma Open University, Rome, From 2015 to date collaborator at Oncogenomic Research Center “Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Oncology”, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy.
Muhammad Akram
Associate Professor
Eastern Medicine
Government College University Faisalabad-Pakistan
Dr. Muhammad Akram is presently the Associate Professor in the Department of Eastern Medicine, Government College University Faisalabad. He has done his PhD in Eastern Medicine from Hamdard University Karachi-Pakistan. His area of specialization lies in Eastern Medicine (Xanthine Oxidase Inhibition by Plants Extract and Clinical Efficacy of Herbal Formulation in Gouty Arthritis). He has a work experience of 14 years 2 months. Dr. Akram’s career objective is to be a part of an organization, which values merits, research skills, respects hard work and which can utilize his qualification and abilities for the mutual growth and to remain embarked on the challenging field of eastern medicine where experience can be leveraged, knowledge and skills can be enhanced and humanity can be served in best possible way. He has hands on expertise in Medical equipment’s, Clinical practices and protocols and Familiarity with all laboratory equipment (Microscope, pH meter, Soxhlet Extractor, Rotary evaporator, preparative HPLC, Chromatography instruments, Spectrophotometer, Autoclave, Microbiological Incubator, Quebec colony counter). He is a Registered Tabib (Registration # QBH-111) with National Council for Tibb, Pakistan. The community services of Dr. Akram include establishment of Medical Dispensary in Medical Center at University of Poonch, Rawalakot for provision of free medical facility to teachers, staff and surrounding villages. He has received Certificate of Appreciation presented in recognition of effort as Associate Editor in Publication of Pakistan Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences (PJMBS) Published at Directorate of Medical Sciences, Government College University Faisalabad-Pakistan. He has numerous publications in esteemed International journals in his name. He received the Best abstract award for paper entitled “Effects of medicinal plants on Alzheimer’s disease and memory deficit’’ in International Neural Regeneration Symposium 2016, Yinchuan, China.
Kaushal Yadav
Consultant Surgical Oncology
Max Institute of Cancer Care, Gurugram & Saket
Dr. Kaushal Yadav is an extensively trained Cancer Surgeon in Gurgaon, India with great skills and experience of more than 12 years. Alumni of MS (Surgery) from PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India and M.Ch (Surgical Oncology) from Tata Memorial Cancer Centre, Mumbai, India which is one of the apex hospital for cancer care in Asia. Currently, Dr. Yadav is working as a Cancer Surgeon at W Pratiksha Hospital, Gurgaon. Before Joining W Pratiksha Hospital, Gurgaon he was working with some of the best hospitals in India that include Paras Hospital, Max Hospital Gurgaon & Saket and Fortis Hospital, Noida.
Tarek Mohamed Kamal Motawi
Department of Pharmacy
Cairo University
Dr Tarek Mohamed Kamal Mohamed Metawie, Professor of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University. Egyptian, date of birth 6/3/1955. Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1984; M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1979; B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, 1976. Professional experience: Instructor; 1976, Lecturer Assistant; 1980, Lecturer, 1984.
Mario J.N.M. Ouwens
Senior statistical science director
SIRE Statistical Innovation
Reimbursement Evidence Astrazeneca
Dr Mario J.N.M. Ouwens is currently the Senior statistical science director at Astrazeneca, Sweden. He has done his PhD in biostatistics from the Maastricht University and has also been an Assistant Professor in the same. He has several seminal publications of his valuable research work in renowned journals. Dr. Ouwens is out of the box thinker and functions best when a lot is asked from him.
Arif Gulzar
Research Associate
Harbin Engineering University
Dr Arif Gulzar is an experienced researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education and research. Skilled in Nano material designing and synthesis, Polymer Composites, Graphene, Drug Design, Cell Culture,AFM and HRTEM. He is an active research professional with a doctorate degree In Material Science and Engineering focused on Targeted Drug Delivery and Cancer Theranostic. He has published several papers in leading journals such as RSC Nanoscale and Journal of Material Science B. He was awarded Innovative research award by Ministry of Higher Education People's Republic of China in 2017 and Academic Star of University by Harbin Engineering University in 2017. His present research is focused on application of Graphene Oxide Modified Rare Earth Nano-materials for cancer theranostic and Tumor Microenvironment Responsive Therapy.
Bharath Govindan
Research Associate
Department Chemical Engineering
Khalifa University of Science Technology & Research
United Arab Emirates
Currently, he is working as post-Doc researcher in Department of Eng, Khalifa University for Science Technology & Research, Abu Dhabi. His research areas are 1D and 2D nanomaterials such as, graphene, boron nitride sheets, metal oxides sheets, mono clinic VOx and hydroxyapatite for electrochemical biosensors, hydrogen evolution, CO2 reduction, wastewater treatment and biomedical applications.
Hajar Moghadas
Sharif university of Technology
Islamic Republic of Iran
I received my B. S. and M.S. in mechanical engineering mainly working on Nano and micro
particle deposition in human airway. I started my Ph.D. in Sharif university of Technology in
2012 where my investigations involved in biomechanical field and also lab on a chip
Khalid Iqbal
Principal Medical Physicist
Department of Medical Physics
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre Lahore
Dr. Khalid Iqbal holds MSc in Physics and PhD in Physics from the
Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. He also worked as research intern
at M D Anderson Cancer University of Texas Houston USA. His responsibilities
include proton, photon, and electron clinical radiotherapy and dosimetry measurements,
and machine acceptance, commissioning, quality assurance and quality control in
radiotherapy. His research interests include new technologies in radiation
therapy and treatment deliveries, treatment plan optimization based on
biological parameters. His clinical responsibilities also include the
clinical development of new treatment techniques, implementation of novel
clinical techniques in the radiotherapy external beam and brachytherapy
treatments, developing polices, starting up new radiotherapy physics programs,
shielding and quality assurance of radiation physics, and radiation safety and
protection. His responsibilities also include treatment planning support, QA,
and treatment delivery machine support. He has published more than 40 research
articles and presented in many national and international conferences and
Miranda Li Xu
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Genetics
Harvard Medical School
United States
Professional Education
Postdoctoral research fellow, Department of
Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Department of Cancer Biology, Dana-Farber
Cancer Institute
Ph.D. in Life Science, Division of Life Science,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Research associate, Division of Life Science, Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology
Seyyed Shamsadin Athari
Department of Immunology
School of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences
Islamic Republic of Iran
Anatomical and cellular pathology
King Hamad University Hospital - Bahrain
Professor and Chairman
ENT Clinic
Udine University Faculty of Medicine
Hosein Azimian
Assistant professor
Medical Physics Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
Islamic Republic of Iran
Rodrigo Costa Zeferino
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Gozde Unsoy
Associate Professor
Medical Genetics
Baskent University, Faculty of Medicine
Hassan Y. Ebrahim
Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy
Helwan University
Khaled Elsayad
Radiation Oncology
University Hospital Munster
Carlos Fonseca-Alves
Institute of Health Sciences
Paulista University - UNIP
Yasir Raza
Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology
University of Karachi
Josep M. Argiles
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Cancer
University of Barcelona
Ahmed El-Hussein
Associate Professor
National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science, Cairo University
Neeraj Chauhan
Department of Immunology & Microbiology
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
United States
Kyoung-jin Min
Senior researcher
New drug development center
Republic of Korea
Medical Doctor
Rare Tumors
Istituto Nazionale tumori -IRCCS - Naples
Federica Lo Sardo
IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute
IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute
Amit Sharma
Research professor
Department of Chemistry
CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh
Professional Education
Honors & Awards
- Qualified junior/senior research fellowship test conducted by Council of Scientific and Industrial
- Research (CSIR) and University Grant Commission (UGC) (2004), India
- BK21 fellowship South Korea 2015-2019
- DBT-Ramalingaswami fellowship 2019
Prakash Thangavel
Universidad Veracruzana
Sakine Shirvalilou
Associate Professor
Department of Medical Physics, Finetech in Medicine Research Center, School of Medicine
Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Islamic Republic of Iran
Jinjuan Yao
Assistant Attending
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
United States
Lynn Feun
Professor of Medicine
Dept of Medicine
University of Miami, Sylvester Cancer Center
United States
Chiara Nicolazzo
Department of Molecular Medicine
Sapienza University of Rome
Ahmed El-Hussein
Associate Professor
National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science, Cairo University
Mohd Farhan
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
King Faisal University
Saudi Arabia
Domenico Maisano
PhD Student
Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
University "Magna Graecia" of Catanzaro
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Standard Fireworks Rajarathinam College (SFRC)
René Victor Bensasson
Biophysicist, Honorary research worker
Muséum National d'histoire Naturelle-Centre National de la recherche Scientifique
David Wan
Associate Professor of Radiology
Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging
University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston
United States
Peng Zhang
The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University
He has done his Master’s in Neurology from DaLian Medical University and is currently pursuing his PhD in Neurology from The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University. He has his research work published in various esteemed journals including British Journal of Neurosurgery, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery. He is the Editorial Member of Clinical Neurology and Neuroscience and also in the Reviewer teams of Frontiers in Medical Case Reports and Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. He is committed to the research of clinical neurology and neurosurgery including Traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular diseases, brain tumors, epilepsy, etc.
Nagwa Ali Sabri
Professor and Head of Department
Clinical Pharmacy Department
Faculty of Pharmacy- Ain Shams University
Dr. Nagwa Ali Sabri is a Professor and Head of Clinical Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams
University, Egypt. She has a Diploma in Medical Informatics from SIRA Institute, USA., IRCA Certified Auditor
ISO 9001:2015 and Certified Pharmacovigilance Specialist (Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV). She is
a Principal Investigator and member of institutional review board of Drug Research Centre (Bioequivalence and
Pharmaceutical Research Centre, Cairo-Egypt). Member in Biocides Technical Committee of Ministry of Health. Dr.
Nagwa’s areas of interest include; teaching, supervising different activities of under and post-graduate students,
investment of clinical pharmacy activities in community pharmacies and hospitals, undergoing Bioequivalence and
Bio-waiver studies according to international guidelines, Pharmacovigilance activities, Pharmacogenomic and
Pharmacogenetics studies. She has more than 29 years of academic experience, and more than 22 years of experience
in bioequivalence and advanced pharmaceutical research, principal investigator in about 450 Bioequivalence studies,
Bio-waiver studies, expert reports and others. She owns a significant experience in establishment of quality assurance
system and advanced training schedule in Clinical Pharmacy, Bioequivalence and Pharmacovigilance fields. She has
more than 90 published researches and more than 30 national and international awards and prizes.
Chaitanya Valiveti
Pharmaceutical Sciences
South Dakota State University
United States
Current Issue Volume 6, Issue 1
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Oncology
Oncogenomic Research Center, University of Bari 'Aldo Moro'
Raffaele Palmirotta received his M.D. degree in 1991 at the University of Chieti, Italy. Specialized in Clinical Pathology (summa cum laude) in 1996 and in Medical Genetic in 2006 at the University of Chieti, Italy. In 2001 Ph.D. in "Molecular diagnostic techniques for the study of hereditary cancer and gene therapy" at the University of Chieti, Italy. In 2012 he completed a Master in “Forensic Genetic”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and in 2016 a Master in “Cytogenetic” University of Rome “Roma 3”, Italy. From 1991 to 2001 he joined the Department of Oncology and Neurosciences at the University of Chieti as MD Degree. From 2001 to 2002 Researcher at the IRCCS Istituto Regina Elena per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Rome. From 2001 to 2005 Deputy Chief at the Laboratory of Clinical Pathology, IRCCS Istituto Regina Elena per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Rome. From 2005 to 2013 he joined the IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Rome, as Responsible of Molecular Diagnosis Section of “Department of Laboratory Medicine and Advanced Biotechnologies”. From 2014 to 2015full Professor at the San Raffaele Roma Open University, Rome, From 2015 to date collaborator at Oncogenomic Research Center “Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Oncology”, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy.
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