
Journal Global Clinical Case Reports


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Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the respective manuscript submitted.

  • 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
  • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
  • Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance


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Editorial board


Department of Pharmacognosy

Gazi University


About Me

She got her Bachelor of Science degree in the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University, Turkey and got her Ph.D. degree in Pharmacognosy Department from the University of Gazi. She is currently a Professor at Gazi University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy. She served in many capacities in her field including service on several editorial boards and numerous review committees for journals such as Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Journal of Pharmacy Sciences, The Internet Journal of Herbal and Plant Medicine, International Journal of Genuine Traditional Medicine, Advances in Pharmacological Sciences, Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Medicine and The Open Pain Journal. She has conducted 45 projects and 13 theses at Gazi University. She has 160 published articles in SCI International Journals, 13 articles in National Journals and 10 chapters in international books. Her research combines pharmacognosy and pharmacological approaches to focus on • Bioassay-guided isolation of active constituents - Phytochemistry and Analytical Pharmacognosy • Anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, antirheumatic and antidepressant activities of folk remedies and synthesized compounds • Wound healing assessment of medicinal plants and their secondary metabolites • Isolation of the natural compounds from the medicinal plants used against gynecological disorders • Anti-carcinogenic assessment of medicinal plants and their secondary metabolites

Roberto Castiglione


Department of Medical and Pediatric sciences

University of Catania


About Me

Researcher at the Department of Medical and Pediatric Sciences, “University of Catania”, Italy. Roberto Castiglione was born in Sicilia (Italy) on 21st Dec 1971. He is Deputy of the Special Interest Group for Endocrinology & Andrology Disorders. Member of the Society for Italian Andrology (SIA). He got a Master of “Clinical Pathology” (University of Catania), developed an intensive training at the oncological research and diagnosis. His research interests are Andrology, Reproductive Immunology, Infertility, Endocrinology, Molecular Oncology, Anatomical Pathologic. He is the author of more than 50 papers published in national and international peer-reviewed journals, and his presence is often requested as Invited Speaker in International Congresses.

Pietro Caliandro

Medical Doctor

Department of Neurology and Stroke Unit

Fondazione Policlinico Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS


About Me

Medical degree at the Catholic University of Rome in 2000, in 2004 board certification in clinical neurophysiology, and in 2008 Ph.D. in Neuroscience at Catholic University of Rome. In 2003 he was Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Neurophysiology, Uppsala University (Sweden), from 2004 to 2009 Medical consultant at the Department of Stroke Rehabilitation, Don Gnocchi Foundation, Rome. From 2009 to 2011 medical doctor at Neurophysiology Service of Institute of Neurology, Policlinico Gemelli, Catholic University of Rome. From 2010 to 2011 Medical Researcher, Department of Neurology, Stroke Unit and Neurosonology, Ferrara University (Italy). From 2011 to nowadays medical doctor at Department of Neurology, Stroke Unit and Neurosonology, Policlinico Gemelli of Rome (Italy). Since 2004 he is involved in teaching activity at the Faculty of Medicine of Catholic University of Rome and in 2011 at Ferrara University. Since 2013 Member of the Board of the Italian Society of Clinical Movement Analysis (SIAMOC). Since 2015 Coordinator of the study group “Neurophysiology of Movement” in collaboration with the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (SINC) and SIAMOC. Since 2017 Fellow of the ESO (European Stroke Organisation) in recognition of outstanding work in the field of stroke medicine, research and education. The reviewer of different International Scientific Journals and the Author of more than 100 scientific papers published in International Journals with Impact Factor.

Marcello Ciaccio


Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology

University of Palermo


About Me

Marcello Ciaccio is a Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Director of Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Medicine of the Department of Bio-medicine, Neuroscience and advanced Diagnostics at the University of Palermo. Moreover, he is Director of the Complex Operating Unit of Analysis of Laboratory Medicine - CoreLab of the A.O.U.P. Palermo. He has been invited to take part in several conferences as a moderator and as a speaker. He is the Chair of the Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology (SIBioC). He has published over 300 scientific papers and he is the reviewer of several scientific journals.


Department of Health Science

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong

About Me

I pursue academic excellence of practical value in healthcare services. I am making significant contributions to the needs of my local community and dedicating their knowledge and expertise to facilitating the development of nursing scholarship nationally and internationally.

Giuseppe Lanza


Department of General Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialties

University of Catania


About Me

I currently work as a Senior Academic Researcher at the University of Catania (Italy). After graduation with honors in Medicine, I trained at the School of Neurology and I got the international Ph.D. at the University of Catania (Italy). As a visiting Clinical Research Fellow, I further trained at the Department of Neuroscience, Newcastle University (UK). In 2013 I was selected for a Scientific Fellowship promoted by the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS). From 2013 to October 2018 I worked as a Consultant Neurologist at the Oasi Research Institute – IRCCS in Troina (Italy), which is a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization (WHO). From 2015 to October 2018, I taught Neurology at the Kore University of Enna (Italy). I have authored more than 100 publications in international refereed Journals and Conferences/Meetings, and I also serve as Editor and invited Reviewer of several international Journals. More recently, I also obtained the Master of Science (Level I) in Clinical Research, as well as the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor (procedure for the Italian University Professor position recruiting, based on scientific qualification criteria).

Madhup Rastogi


Department of Radiation Oncology


About Me

Graduated (MBBS) from Govt. Medical College Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA in 1998. MD Radiotherapy from King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, INDIA in 2003. Before joining RMLIMS, Lucknow worked as Assistant Professor at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla (HP). Area of Interest: Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology, Palliative Care and Cancer Awareness. Head and neck cancers, Genitourinary cancers, Breast cancers, and hematological malignancies.

Ayman Abdel-Aziz Swelum

Associate Professor

Department of Animal Production

King Saud University

Saudi Arabia

About Me

Dr. Swelum devoted most of his career to teaching Theriogenology and conducting applied research on animal reproduction. He served as the resident veterinarian and veterinary consultant to King Abdul-Aziz Arabian Horse Center and Germplasm Bank and Artificial Insemination center in Saudi Arabia. He received several awards recognizing his excellence in teaching, research quality and clinical practice including International Publication award from Zagazig University. Dr. Swelum provided large animal reproductive medicine continuing education programs for veterinarians around the world. He is the author of over 60 scientific research articles. Dr. Swelum is the author of one book and several book chapters on animal reproductive medicine. He is an active member of many societies and associations as the International Embryo Transfer Society.

Philiipe Garot

Interventional Cardiology

Ramsay General Health - Cardiovascular Institute Paris Sud


About Me

Dr. Philippe Garot is the Head of the Interventional Cardiology Department of the Institut Cardiovasculaire Paris Sud (Hôpital Privé Jacques Cartier & Hôpital Privé Claude Galien) and the Medical Director of the European Cardiovascular Research Center (CERC) He is a member of the French Society of Cardiology, a fellow and a member of the clinical program committee of the European Society of Cardiology and of EAPCI and ACCA. Since 1997 Dr. Garot has been a guest faculty in all major interventional cardiology scientific sessions and courses (Euro-PCR, Asia-PCR, TCT, ACC, AHA, ESC, ANZET, CIT, TCT-Asia) and has authored or co-authored more than 120 peer-reviewed articles

Haleama Al Sabbah

Associate Professor and Chair of the Department

Department of Health Sciences

Zayed University

United Arab Emirates

About Me

Associate Professor and Chair of Health Sciences Department at Zayed University in Dubai. I completed my Ph.D. in Public Health Nutrition (Ph.D. in Medical Sciences) in 2008 from the Faculty of Medicine, Gent University, Belgium. Awarded a doctoral scholarship from Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC). My Ph.D. study was part of the National Study of the Palestinian Health Behaviors in School-aged Children (HBSC-2004). Fulbright Senior Visiting Scholar and did Post-Doctoral studies in Public Health and Nutrition at Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Center, Tufts University, Boston, the USA from 2011 to 2012. Served as the director of the Public Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, An-Najah University, Palestine from 2009 to 2013. Published numerous articles in scientific journals and served as an editorial board member and reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals. Participated in many conferences, courses and research studies all over the world, including Europe, USA, Canada, West Africa, and some Arab countries. My first degree in Public Health Nutrition from the Faculty of Medicine/ Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) in 1990. I worked as a nutritionist in a number of hospitals in Amman, Jordan and then at Amman University. From 1995 to 1998, I worked at the Red Crescent Society Maternity Hospital in Ramallah. In 1997, awarded a scholarship for postgraduate masters-level study in Public Health at the Community Health Institute, Birzeit University, Palestine. In 1998, I was awarded a scholarship for a Master of Philosophy in International Community Health and Nutrition in the Faculty of Medicine at Oslo University, Norway. My Master’s thesis title was “Diabetes Self-Management in Rural Palestinian Community”.

Joshua Stephen Jue

Department of Urology

Lenox Hill Hospital

New York, United States

Marta Losa Iglesias


University of Rey Juan Carlos


Mohammad Hassan Nezafati


Department of Cardiac Surgery

Mashhad University of Medical Sciences


Varun Dixit

Consultant Cardiac Anesthesiologist

Henrico Doctors Hospital

United States

Sanita Maleskic Kapo

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

University of Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegowina

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  • 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
  • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
  • Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance

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