Halalopathy: Stimulation of the Immune System Through Enrichment of Potential Energy


The human mind is highly exposed to different sources of information. According to halalopathy, supportive information enriches potential, while distracting information increases entropy. Potential energy and entropy are inversely proportional. The enrichment of potential energy creates favourable circumstances for prevention and recovery, while the accumulation of entropy accelerates aging and the development of diseases. The availability of potential energy plays a crucial role in how the immune system can exist and behave. Fight mode i.e., high potential energy mode where errors and defects are detected and corrected simultaneously. Fright mode in which potential energy is dispersed and entropy is accelerated, causing the immune system to respond randomly and attack indiscriminately. The flight mode, in which potential energy is suppressed, leads to a slowing down of the immune response, thereby bypassing many defects and mutations. The main objective of halalopathy is to develop methods and strategies to enrich the potential, keep the fight mode active and thus stimulate the immune system for better prevention and recovery.


Immune system, entropy, potential energy, fight, fright, flight, halalopathy


Halalopathy was introduced as a new model primarily in response to the realization that recently approved drugs do not offer a significant improvement in therapeutic value and a complete recovery from complex diseases such as cancer is still beyond their reach [1, 2]. However, medication alone cannot completely defeat the disease unless other values are activated alongside the drug to achieve complete recovery [3]. It can be concluded that the drug partially influences the healing process, but the most important curative value comes from the immune system [4, 5]. It is generally accepted that the immune system plays an essential role in defense mechanisms, but with age, the immune system weakens, which explains why diseases such as cancer can become more active in elderly people [6]. The mechanism of the immune system is complex and involves several steps and different cell types that respond in different ways to different pathogens. However, it is currently not entirely clear how exactly the cells can be stimulated and used to strengthen the immune system to improve prevention or recovery [7, 8]. Many interesting and useful studies have discussed a link between lifestyle, exercise, diet and stress on the immune system response [9-12]. However, managing the relationship between mind, body and health needs to be further explored and rationalised. Halalopathy attempts to understand how the immune system can protect the body from infection and disease and how to strengthen the immune system to improve its function and response [13]. Obviously, the immune system is energy-dependent, and a reduction in energy and resources can lead to a significant decline in immune activity [14, 15]. Halalopathy explored the main elements involved in the activation of the immune system and concluded that the balance of entropy and potential energy in the body is essential for effective response. Consequently, potential energy and entropy were well rationalised in the context of the human body, highlighting the role of both elements in prevention and cure.

Immune System

The immune system is not centralized in one organ but consists of a network of dedicated cells, tissues, and organs that cooperate together to recognize accurately and specifically foreign pathogens or unusual disorders and thereby, protect the body from potentially pathogenic infections and correct potential disorders [16]. The capability to supply an immune response reduces as we age; this, in turn, contributes to more disease [17, 18]. The immune system is classically divided into two areas based on its specificity: innate and adaptive or acquired immune responses [19, 20]. Innate immunity is the body's first line of defence, providing a rapid and non-specific response to a wide range of infections [21, 22]. The cells involved in the innate immune system are programmed to attack and kill cells that are recognised as foreign and perceived as a threat to the body. Adaptive or acquired immunity, on the other hand, is more specific and requires more time to develop a targeted immune response [23]. The most important characteristics of the acquired response are: specificity, diversity of recognition, and tolerance to the body's own cells [24]. The cells of adaptive immunity, such as B and T cells, target pathogens by processing the information provided by the innate cells, and the information about pathogens is stored in the memory cells to recognise and attack the pathogens when they attack the body again [19, 20].

The immune system is very complex and the more we learn about it, the more we realise how little we know [25]. What is certain, however, is that the immune system is energy-dependent and any reduction in energy and its resources can cause a significant decrease in immune response [26]. Immune cells require energy for their housekeeping functions, antigen processing and other related immune functions. Energetic imbalances can be caused by the brain and immune system in the form of pain, psychological stress, anxiety, depression and inflammation [13]. During a manic state, psychomotor activity is intensified and energy expenditure is enhanced. As we age, the potential energy source decreases, the anabolic process declines and the performance of the various organs diminishes.

Halalopathy has conceptualised the notion of entropy and potential energy and has concluded that these are the most fundamental elements required to understand any object and natural phenomena. Entropy and potential energy are two opposing cosmic forces found in all objects and natural phenomena and have been used as the basis for halalopathic theory. Entropy is the dispersed or suppressed form of potential energy that allows heat to accumulate, while potential energy is the highest form of active energy that is manifested in the form of work. Consequently, entropy stands for the negative and passive aspects of matter, while potential energy stands for the positive and active aspects of the matter. They are inversely proportional, i.e., the accumulation of entropy leads to the reduction of potential energy and vice versa. Entropy and potential energy are mutually dependent, cannot exist separately or alone, and the existence of one is a prerequisite for the existence of the other. They are constantly in motion, where entropy moves randomly in all directions, while potential energy moves in a very orderly and linear direction. From the perspective of mind and body, potential energy is enriched by spiritual, human and moral values, while entropy is enriched by material values. Halalopathy assumes that all organs and functions of the body can be considered in terms of entropy and potential energy and could therefore be used to improve prevention and recovery [27-29]. According to the concepts of entropy and potential energy, the immune system can be available in three different modes, namely fight mode, fright mode and flight mode (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Modes of the immune system based on neurotransmitter behaviour and potential energy availability.

I Fight Mode

According to halalopathy, recovery is more effective when entropy is reduced and potential energy is activated. The fight mode, or tranquility mode is in which potential energy is maximized and a highly coordinated system is developed. The high potential state regulates the rate of the various biochemical reactions and controls the biological processes in the body to achieve dynamic homeostasis [30]. A system with high potential is well ordered, maximizes cause-effect information, enriches the interaction between concept and behaviour, and develops internal compatibility [31]. A compatible system activates potential, improves communication, and increases the flow of information and commands from the brain, contributing to more effective and productive responses [32]. By default, the state of compatibility creates a potential and develops a normal and healthy state in which defects and errors in the body are simultaneously perceived and corrected. A large amount of energy is needed to keep the fight mode active and to cope with disorders. Maintaining the fight mode can contribute significantly to the prevention of disease; therefore, the state of calm or tranquillity is useful to keep the fight mode active. The tranquillity mode can be achieved more effectively by reducing anxiety and depression, despite the fact that it is impossible to have a life completely free of anxiety and depression, yet circumstances must be created to reduce fear and grief in life, as they are the most destructive factors for distracting potential energy.

During an illness, the immune system uses more energy, especially during the innate response, causing a decrease in activity and an increase in fatigue. It is a challenge to keep the fight mode active during an illness and to achieve complete recovery; hence it is important to activate all possible potential energy resources. Unfortunately, during an illness, the appetite for food and exercise is reduced, leaving the anabolic thinking "action potential energy source" as the most obvious energy source that could keep the fight mode active [33].

II Fright Mode

In response to prolonged stress related to a conflict with the future, the brain produces more excitatory neurotransmitters, which enhances distraction, generates anxiety and thus disperses potential energy and dominates the fright mode [34]. As potential energy decreases, entropy accumulates and the system becomes highly disordered until, eventually, uncoordinated actions and behaviours predominate [13]. As the entropic state prevails, cause-effect information is minimized, and the interaction between concept and behaviour is greatly reduced to the point where internal compatibility is lost. An uncontrolled electrical flow leads to a successive outflow of signals from the brain, which in turn leads to a breakdown in communication. As a result, random responses occur, and the probability of collisions between particles or molecules is enhanced. The collision of the particles with each other generates heat, which eventually enhances the temperature of the closed system. The increasing heat in the body is very harmful as it makes the macromolecules vibrate, which affects the pattern of self-assembly, breaks the inter- and intramolecular forces and increases the rotations of the residues and finally reduces the total potential energy, which in turn reduces information and function. This is the situation where we have an excess of energy, but in an excited, unfocused, and non-coordinated form, causing anxiety to predominate and symptoms such as hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, inability to focus, worry, high tension, and fear can be prevalent. In fright mode, where the immune system is neither focused nor effectively productive, the immune system attacks indiscriminately and may hit foreign pathogens or its own cells, resulting in the possibility of developing autoimmune diseases [35, 36].

III Flight Mode

In response to prolonged depression, potential energy is suppressed, resulting in a slow flow of potential energy and thereby reducing brain activity. As a result, communication and the flow of information and commands from the brain slow down, leading to a collective reduction in the rate of reaction and action, and eventually disrupting homeostasis. The suppression of energy leads to repression and degradation, which ultimately enhances the resistance of energy flow [37]. The increase in electrical resistance causes potential energy to be converted into heat, which ultimately enhances entropy and causes symptoms such as despair, regret and grief to dominate. When electrical activity in the brain slows down, cells and biological processes become less productive and probably less effective. Slowed brain activity can serve as an indicator of impaired cognition, slow physical activity and a weak immune response [38]. In this situation, the immune system switches to flight mode, allowing it to bypass many defects or mutations, which can lead to genetic diseases and enhance the risk of heart attack and subsequent development of coronary heart disease [39].


The physiology and biochemistry of the human body is highly complex and capable of delivering an enormous amount of information and energy. An anabolic process creates potential, while a catabolic process accumulates entropy. From infancy onwards, humans go through a multiple growth processes in which the anabolic process is more pronounced than the catabolic process [40]. The moment the growth of the human body is complete, homeostasis in terms of growth will be established, and at this stage, the anabolic and catabolic processes operate in a complementary manner. However, with increasing age, the catabolic process predominates and the anabolic process slows down [41]. As this stage progresses, the efficiency of the internal systems and organs decreases, resulting in a decrease in potential energy and a simultaneous increase in entropy. The efficiency of the immune system declines as well, thereby enhancing the probability of disease development.

During the growth process, the immune system usually tends to have a high potential and therefore activates the fight mode. However, any imbalance in the body during fight mode can be detected and corrected immediately. In general, this could explain why diseases like cancer do not often occur at a young age [42]. As we age, the catabolic process dominates, entropy accumulates and the immune system is set into either fright or flight mode depending on environmental and psychological influences. Therefore, at this age, it is essential to explore all possible energy resources and added values to generate enough potential energy that can be used to keep the fight mode active and thus make prevention and recovery more effective.

In fight mode, the flow of energy is set at a homeostatic rate, neither fast nor slow, biochemical reactions occur at an ideal speed, and the excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters are produced in the appropriate ratio [43]. Stress is low and communication between the brain and body is at a maximum; thus, the immune system during this stage is active and the prevention of diseases is effective.

In the fright mode, the excitatory neurotransmitters dominate over the inhibitory ones, resulting in a stress build-up where anxiety predominates and potential energy is excited and dispersed [44]. The dispersion of potential energy enhances the collisions between particles and generates heat, which in turn accelerates the depletion of potential energy. When the energy flow exceeds the critical point, the rate of biochemical reactions enhances until it exceeds the threshold. To compensate for the loss of potential energy, the catabolic process is amplified and entropy is accumulated. This situation is harmful to the body in terms of energy and function. The interruption of communication between the brain and the body leads to a less effective and non-coordinated immune response. In this phase, disorder and entropy accumulate, disease prevention is reduced and recovery slows down.

Flight mode, where inhibitory neurotransmitters dominate over excitatory ones and energy flow is slower than the critical point. This situation causes the rate of biochemical reactions to be below the threshold, causing a slowdown in brain activity, which in turn affects overall physical and mental activity. As a result, stress, depression and suppression of potential energy are increased, which impairs communication between the brain and the other organs. The immune system is less effective during this time and the suppressed energy is converted into heat, increasing entropy and ultimately disorder, leading to an overall slow rate of prevention and recovery.

Keeping the fight mode active is a challenge that requires better communication between mind and body. Setting up the compatibility system is essential for better harmonization. Eating incompatible and non-biodegradable foods causes stress and consumes more energy for the metabolic process. Therefore, compatible and biodegradable foods are actually useful to keep stress low and activate the chemical potential energy. An important source of energy for the brain comes from the surroundings in the form of information. The most common pathways for passing information to the brain are the eyes, ears and nose. Therefore, it is important to be selective regarding what we see, hear and scent, by filtering out all sources of distraction and appropriately embracing supporting information. It is advisable to maintain anabolic thinking as a way of life in order to enrich the action potential energy. The release of heat, the end product of entropy, from the body at a constant rate is useful for maintaining energy balance. The heat load in the body can be lowered by breathing deeply in and out. Exercise and regular physical activity have a positive effect on the body by activating growth hormones, which are involved in building and repairing tissues such as collagen and muscle throughout the body. Building and strengthening muscles improves communication between body and mind, which in turn activates motor neurons that release neurotransmitters to trigger responses and enrich elastic potential energy. Tranquillity, minimum entropy and maximum potential, can be developed by resisting fear and grief, the most distracting elements of potential energy.

Avoiding the enrichment of potential energy in the body reduces the efficiency of the immune system, especially after a certain age when entropy increases significantly. In this situation, the body is highly exposed to endogenous and exogenous attacks, the development of diseases is promoted and the healing process is hindered. Maintaining fight mode active is a challenge, but compared to disease management and treatment, it is more feasible and achievable. For this reason, the main objective of halalopathy focuses on developing methods and adapting strategies for enriching the potential and thereby activating of the immune system.


The activation of the immune system is crucial for prevention and recovery. Enriching the potential energy is a challenge for triggering the immune response. Halalopathy defines the various mode of the immune system and its function based on potential energy availability. The most targeted and effective mode is the fight mode, where the potential energy is highest and the mechanism for detecting and correcting errors and disorder is greatest. It is important to avoid the circumstances that could cause the potential energy to be either dispersed or suppressed, which could eventually activate the fright or flight mode respectively. To maintain energy balance, it is useful to set up circumstances that allow the body to constantly release heat, which is the end product of entropy. Establishing a compatibility system is an essential prerequisite for better harmonisation. Eating compatible and biodegradable foods causes minimal stress and consumes less energy for the metabolic process. It is advisable to avoid distracting information, maintain anabolic mindsets as a way of life and use exercises appropriate to age and health situation. Building and strengthening the muscles improves the communication between body and mind, which in turn activates the growth hormones and enriches the elastic potential energy.


We would like to thank Prof. Khaled Abou Hadeed and Haitham Alzeer for useful discussion and support.

Ethical Approval

The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Conflicts of Interest


Article Info

Article Type
Review Article
Publication history
Received: Tue 28, Jun 2022
Accepted: Thu 14, Jul 2022
Published: Mon 25, Jul 2022
© 2023 Jawad Alzeer. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.RGM.2022.01.02

Author Info

Corresponding Author
Jawad Alzeer
Swiss Scientific Society for Developing Countries, Zurich, Switzerland

Figures & Tables

Science Repository

Figure 1: Modes of the immune system based on neurotransmitter behaviour and potential energy availability.


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