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Editorial board
- Ahmed Kamel Abdel Aal
- Alves Arnaud
- Lian-yang Zhang
- Elizabeth N. Kuhn
- Fabio Corsi
- Giovanni Conzo
- Giovanni Scambia
- Sarno Gerardo
- Panayiotis A. Kyzas
- Leonello Tacconi
- Luca Morelli
- Lydia M. Petrovic
- Lai Meng Ow Yong
- Philip S. Mullenix
- Riccardo Casadei
- Stéphanie O. Breukink
- Francisco Sanchez Bueno
Ahmed Kamel Abdel Aal
Associate Professor
Department of Radiology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
United States
Alves Arnaud
Department of General and Digestive Surgery
Hospital Center University of Caen Normandie
Lian-yang Zhang
Department of Trauma Surgery
Third Military Medical University
Elizabeth N. Kuhn
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Alabama Birmingham
United States
Fabio Corsi
Istituto Clinico Scientifico Maugeri
Department of Surgery
Giovanni Conzo
Associate Professor
Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
Giovanni Scambia
Department of Gynecology
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Sarno Gerardo
Department of General Surgery and Kidney Transplantation
San Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi d'Aragona
Panayiotis A. Kyzas
University of Manchester
Leonello Tacconi
Neurosurgical Unit
Azienda Ospedaliera Integrata
Luca Morelli
Associate Professor
Department of General Surgery
University of Pisa
Lydia M. Petrovic
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
Lai Meng Ow Yong
Changi General Hospital
Philip S. Mullenix
Associate Professor
Department of Surgery
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Riccardo Casadei
Associate Professor
Department of Surgery
University of Bologna
Stéphanie O. Breukink
Department of Surgery
Maastricht University Medical Center
Francisco Sanchez Bueno
Professor of Surgery
University of Murcia
Journal of surgical Oncology (J Surg Oncol) (ISSN 2674-3000)
Aims and Scope
Journal of Surgical Oncology is open access, double-blinded peer-reviewed journal serving the International Scientific Community and encourages the participation of the chief surgeons around the world. The Journal accepts and publishes articles related to surgical oncology and its allied subjects, such as epidemiology, meta-analysis, cancer research, biomarkers, prevention, pathology, radiology, cancer treatment, clinical trials, innovative surgical techniques, multimodality treatment, and molecular biology. The journal reflects the emerging and rapidly evolving oncological research. The journal aims to highlight the spectrum of current developmental techniques on surgical oncology and its applications in diagnosis, outcomes, treatment, and prevention of the deadly disease. The journal also aims to disseminate and promote worldwide high-quality multidisciplinary patient care.
Journal of Surgical Oncology primarily focuses on the topics related to Breast Cancer Surgery, Kidney Cancer Surgery, Lung Cancer Surgery, Thyroid Cancer Surgery, Prostate Cancer Surgery, etc. JSO focuses on the most reliable sources of information on current developments as original articles, case reports, review articles, short communications, etc. and provides complete free online access to the readers and researchers worldwide.
The goal of the Journal of Surgical Oncology is to keep the readers in a row with the latest developments and improve global cancer surgery education and training that will further influence surgical oncologists’ research work. JSO supports the career development of surgical trainees and their transition into the community and academic-based practice and issues timely articles about healthcare and global research followed by policies related to the surgical patient with cancer.
All the work at Science Repository is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Authors at Science Repository retain copyright to their work and allow others to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt their work, provided proper attribution is given. Electronic edition: online edition: ISSN 2674-3000
For submission authors can directly submit manuscript to
Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the respective manuscript submitted.
- 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
- Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
- Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance
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In Press Volume 6, Issue 1
Department of Surgery
Maastricht University Medical Center
Dr. Stephanie Breukink graduated from University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. Afterwards she worked for two years as a colorectal fellow in Adelaide, Australia. She started as a colorectal consultant in 2009 at Maastricht University Medical Center, the Netherlands. In 2006, she defended her PhD: Laparoscopic TME for rectal cancer. Dr. Breukink has developed subspecialty interests in quality of life after colorectal cancer treatment and surgical management of disorders of the pelvic floor and enterocutaneous fistulae.
Current Issue Volume 5, Issue 2
Submit Manuscript
You can submit your manuscript at Science Repository. Authors submit manuscript files and metadata & can request for revision. Editors use the system to review submissions, assign to reviewers, and make and communicate decisions to accept, revise, transfer or reject manuscripts. Reviewers are invited to work on manuscripts, can accept or reject assignments.
For submission authors can directly submit manuscript to
Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the respective manuscript submitted.
- 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
- Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
- Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance
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