Peer Review Policy
The primary goal of our peer review process is to ensure and uphold the best scientific research quality. Science Repository provides a completely unbiased [double blinded (anonymity between the authors and reviewers is maintained)] Peer Review process. Science Repository maintains a robust, equitable, efficient, and swift peer-review process system to keep the validity, quality, and originality of articles selected for publication.
All the manuscripts submitted to Science Repository go through the peer review process by our esteemed Editorial Board Members and Editor-in-chief. Science Repository does not let any communication between authors and the reviewers. Authors must consider COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers before accepting to review a manuscript and throughout the peer-review process.
• English Language: Journals of science repository currently publish the full text of articles in the English language. Manuscripts are thoroughly checked for the structure, organization, correctness, and clarity of the language as it complies with the journal's author guidelines. The editorial staff often make corrections to minimal grammatical errors so that the manuscript does not lose its originality. However, in rare occasions where language is substantially difficult to comprehend, the manuscript is returned to the author to improve language clarity.
• Manuscripts that fail initially in the review process are returned to the author(s) for required update and resubmission. This first stage of the review is crucial as it enables the author(s) to improve the manuscript early. This initial stage of the manuscript review is normally completed within 14 business days.
• Once a manuscript completes the editorial review process, it proceeds to the second stage. The second stage of the review process employs the double-blind review system. Using the reviewers' comments, editor(s) make corrections to the manuscript, and after this, the manuscript is sent to the author for the final checking and at this stage author(s) is/are asked if they want to make any final correction(s) prior to publishing. After effecting the revisions, the editor reviews the manuscripts again before the manuscripts are accepted for publication.