
Editorial board

Jie Zhang

Associate Professor

University of Kentucky


Richard Duszak

Director of Resident Research

Mid-South Imaging and Therapeutics


Hundt Walter

Associate Professor


Quek Swee Tian

Associate Professor

Department of Diagnostic Imaging 

National University Hospital


Sun Phillip Zhe

Department of Radiology 

Harvard Medical School


Chun Lam James CHOW

Department of Radiation Physics

Princess Margaret Hospital 


Aruna Turaka

Department of Radiation Oncology 


Guiyang Hao

Department of Radiology

UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas


Dandan Zheng

Department of Radiation Oncology

University of Nebraska Medical Center


Akira Yamada

Department of Radiology

Shinshu University Hospital


Jeon-Hor Chen


Department of Radiology

China Medical University Hospital


Theodoros Soldatos

Department of Radiology

National and Capodestrian University of Athens


Haoxing Wu


Department of Radiology 

Sichuan University


Shahrokh Francois Shariat

Associate Professor 

Weill Medical College of Cornell University


Chunlei Liu

Brain Imaging and Analysis Center

Duke University School of Medicine


Journal Radiology and Medical Diagnostic Imaging (Radiol Med Diagnost Imaging) (ISSN 2613-7836)

Aims and Scope

Radiology and Medical Diagnostic Imaging journal is one of the best open access journal that aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, technical notes, short communications, etc. in this field and provide online access to the researchers worldwide in electronic forms are immediately freely available to read download and share to improve the Open Access motto without any restrictions or subscriptions.

The primary aims of the Radiology and Medical Diagnostic Imaging are to improve diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive modalities and the skills of clinicians and to guide clinical practice in radiology.

The journal provides comprehensive coverage of areas such as Cardio-Vascular Imaging, Oncologic Radiology, Abdominal Radiology, Chest Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology, Surgical Radiology, Breast Imaging, Sonography, Pediatric Radiology, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Metallic Stents, Renal Intervention, Molecular Imaging and Medical imaging technologies like x-ray, Ultrasound, Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

All the work at Science Repository is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Authors at Science Repository retain copyright to their work and allow others to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt their work, provided proper attribution is given. Electronic edition: online edition: ISSN 2613-7836

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  • 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
  • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
  • Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance

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Department of Radiology

Shinshu University Hospital



Akira Yamada is Assistant Professor of Radiology at Shinshu University Hospital in Japan. From 2009 to 2010, he worked at Department of Radiology, University of Chicago as a Visiting Scholar. In 2011, he was awarded the Itai Award from the Japanese Society of Abdominal Radiology for his pioneering work in the development of quantitative MR imaging of the liver function. He received his PhD degree in Medicine from Shinshu University in 2011. He received Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to develop his research project in functional imaging from 2011 to 2013. He is currently specializing and focusing his research in computer application for abdominal imaging and interventional radiology. His Research interest includes Computer application for abdominal imaging and interventional radiology.

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  • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
  • Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance

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Vascular phantom examination for trans-arterial CT angiography (CTA) to depict small arteries

Coupling Failure as the Forth Category in the Classification of Congenital Spinal Deformity

Feasibility of sagittal T2 mapping of the median nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome

Detection of Radioactive Cesium on Granular Particle using Autoradiography, Germanium detector and Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry

A novel theranostics nanoparticles pGGA-PTX / SPION with bifunction of diagnosis and treatment

Computed tomography texture feature stability dependence on the graylevel co-occurrence matrix discretization approach

The urgent need for protective shielding for personnel who administer radiopharmaceuticals

The Value of Imaging Diagnostics in the Kimura’s Disease

Optimization of Mammary Tissue Displacement in Ultrasound Elastography

Sono and photo stimulated Chlorine E6 nanocomposite in tumor-bearing mice: upcoming cancer treatment

Imaging of Acute Appendicitis for Adult Patients

Exercise Contractile Reserve for Predicting Mortality in Non-Ischemic Ventricular Dysfunction

Hepatofugal Portal Venous Flow: From Normal to Pathological

Mastication Problems and Dysphagia In 4 Patients with Treacher Collins Syndrome Due to Affected Orofacial Muscles

False-Positive Calcifications and Radiation Dose in Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring Using Iterative Reconstruction on The Basis of a Noise Threshold

Varying the Color of Mammography Display Improves the Detectability of Microcalcifications

Huge Hepatocellular Adenoma

Impact of Collimator on DaT-SPECT Imaging: Monte Carlo Simulation Study

Fusion Imaging Significantly Reduces Contrast and Radiation Exposure During Standard EVAR

Identification of the Preferred Interventional Approach to Trigeminal Ganglion Using Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Stereoscopic Model

Acute Aortic Occlusion with Acute Onset of Paraplegia and Severe Hyposthenia

Sensitivity of Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) Device for Lung Nodule Detection on Chest Radiography: A Real-Life Application

ICD-Electrode-Perforation of the Right Ventricle to the Pericardium with and without Pericardial Effusion

Prominent Eustachian Valve Mimicking Thrombus in Right Atrium Diagnosed with Computed Tomography in a Patient with Atrial Fibrillation

Breast Uptake of Radio-iodine in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer