The First International Guideline for Oxytocin Safely Decreased Oxytocin Amount During Cesarean Section: A Single-Institution Retrospective Analysis
The First International Guideline for Oxytocin Safely Decreased Oxytocin Amount During Cesarean Section: A Single-Institution Retrospective Analysis
Review Data
Q: Is the topic relevant to the journal area of interest? Is it contemporary and interesting for
A: Very good
Abstract & Keywords
Q: Are all required components included in the abstract? Are the keywords appropriately chosen?
A: Excellent
Q: Is the goal explicitly stated in the Introduction? Is its formulation clear and unambiguous?
A: Good
Q: Is the paper's structure coherent? Is it in coherence with the goal of the paper?
A: Very good
Tools and Methods
Q: Are methods the author uses adequate and well used?
A: Good
Discussion & Conclusion
Q: Is it related to the results presented before? Do you consider them as coherent?
A: Very good
The Discussion puts forth the rationale for taking up the study, effectively describes the relevant literature and enlists the implications of the findings from the present study in that context. The guideline further suggests that the oxytocin receptor desensitization against oxytocin can happen when the uterine has already been exposed to oxytocin. The study aptly Concludes from the Results that the new guideline-based oxytocin administration for cesarean section significantly decreases intraoperative oxytocin amount with an equivalent amount of intraoperative hemorrhage.
Q: Does the author utilize relevant literature?
A: Very good
Author's knowledge
Q: What is the level of the author’s knowledge? Does the author utilize all recent contributions relevant to the topic?
A: Good
Q: Is the length of the paper adequate to the significance of the topic? Do you suggest shortening the paper without losing its value?
A: Good
Figures & Tables
Q: Does the author use them suitably? Are legend and notations clear?
A: Very good
Writing style
Q: Is it clear and understandable?
A: Very good
Further comments on the paper
Comments: This single-institution retrospective study of 174 patients who underwent cesarean section with a new protocol or the conventional manner from November 2019 to December 2020, adapted the guideline-based oxytocin infusion method and verified the validity of the new approach after one year. The study is of importance as it demonstrates that the new guideline-based oxytocin administration safely decreased the intraoperative oxytocin amount. Also, there was no significant difference in the incidence of nausea. The administration and discontinuation of oxytocin infusion comes out as one of the limitations of this study, as too early discontinuation can increase postpartum hemorrhage.
Q: Would you recommend this manuscript for further publication?
A: Yes - Suitable to be published
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Author Info
Corresponding Author
Takeshi MurouchiDepartment of Anesthesiology, Asahi General Hospital, Asahi, Japan
Article Info
Article Type
Research ArticlePublication history
Received: Mon 26, Jul 2021Accepted: Tue 10, Aug 2021
Published: Thu 26, Aug 2021
© 2023 Takeshi Murouchi. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.DOI: 10.31487/j.ACR.2021.02.01