A Challenging Surgical Case of Axillary Artery Pseudoaneurysm Weeks after Blunt Trauma

A Challenging Surgical Case of Axillary Artery Pseudoaneurysm Weeks after Blunt Trauma

Review Data

Purpose and Significance of Study: This is a report of a case of axillary artery pseudoaneurysm as a rare complication of blunt trauma in a 75-year-old man, the old age making it especially challenging. Instead of the typical interventions, it was successfully treated with endovascular stent-grafting.

Fit with Scope of Journal: The manuscript is of very high interest for the journal Surgery Case Reports.

The manuscript contains a few minor errors (already corrected in the galley proof, except the highlighted one, which requires the author’s attention) are listed below –


The common errors are –

·       “Pseudoaneurysm” has been misspelled multiple times, including in the title.

·       Omission of “,” in various places, e.g., after “dangerous” in the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph of the Abstract, after “evaluated” in the last sentence of the same paragraph, and so on.

·       Omission of “the”, e.g., before “exclusion” in the 2nd sentence of the 1st paragraph of the Abstract, before “evacuation” in the 8th sentence of the 5th paragraph of the Case Report, and so on.

The other errors are –

In the Title –

·       “an” before “axillary” must be removed.

In the Case Report –

  In the 1st paragraph –

·       In the 2nd sentence, “x-ray” must be replaced with “X-ray”.

  In the 3rd paragraph –

·       In the 1st sentence, it seems “motor” must be replaced with “motor functions”.

  In the 5th paragraph –

·       In the 1st sentence, “on discussion of” must be replaced with “while discussing”.

·       In the last sentence, “that” must be inserted after “believed”, and “that” after “evacuation” must be removed.

  In the 7th paragraph –

·       In the 1st sentence, “represented” must be replaced with “presented”.

·       In the 2nd sentence, “an” before “ultrasound” must be removed.

In the Discussion –

  In the 1st paragraph –

·       In the 4th sentence, “injury” must be replaced with “injuries”, and “more rare” must be replaced with “rarer”.

·       In the 8th sentence, “et. al.” must be replaced with “et al.”.

  In the 2nd paragraph –

·       In the 3rd sentence, “successfully” must instead be placed at the end of the sentence to maintain the formal tone.

Author Info

Corresponding Author
Anthony Feghali
SUNY Upstate Medical University, Department of Vascular Surgery, Syracuse, 13210 NY

Article Info

Article Type
Case Report
Publication history
Received: Mon 27, Apr 2020
Accepted: Mon 11, May 2020
Published: Tue 19, May 2020
© 2023 Anthony Feghali. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.JSCR.2020.02.10