Duodenojejunostomy, an Old Technique but Novel Solution for Giant Duodenal Perforations - A Report of Four Cases and Review of Literature
Duodenojejunostomy, an Old Technique but Novel Solution for Giant Duodenal Perforations - A Report of Four Cases and Review of Literature
Review Data
Purpose and Significance of Study: The manuscript describes four cases of
duodenojejunostomy performed to resolve giant duodenal ulcer perforations in
aged patients and puts forward a review of literature related to such cases.
The significance of the manuscript lies in the fact that a quick, safe
and novel solution is offered for the especially
poor prognosis in elderly patients despite the existence of multiple repair techniques
in this regard.
Fit with Scope of Journal: The manuscript is of very high interest for
the journal Surgical
Case Reports.
The manuscript is quite well-written. A few
minor changes are requested, which are listed below–
A common error that was noted
was the omission of “the” in multiple places, e.g. in the 1st sentence of Background
under Abstract, before “medical management” and in the 2nd sentence of Conclusion
under Abstract, before “current literature”.
The word “melena” is
misspelled as “malena”.
The words “high risk” in all
the places must be replaced by “high-risk”.
The ages of the patients must
be written as “X-year-old”.
The words “co-morbid”,
“co-morbidity” or “co-morbidities” must be written without hyphens to maintain
The words “gram negative” must
be hyphenated.
In Background under Abstract –
§ In the 6th sentence, “are” must be replaced with “is”.
§ In the last sentence, “a review of” must be replaced by “to review the”.
In the 6th sentence, under Case 1,
“,” must be inserted after “intra-operatively”.
In Conclusions- Discussion
& Review of Literature –
§ In the 3rd paragraph, “,” must be inserted after “perforation” and “however”.
§ In the second
last paragraph, in the 2nd sentence, “;” must be replaced with “,”.
Daniel Tan Ee Lee
Jesse Hu Shulin
Lee Chin Li
Tiffany Rui Xuan Gan
Author Info
Corresponding Author
Jesse Hu Shulin
Department of Surgery, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, National University Health System, Singapore
Article Info
Article Type
Case Report & Review of Literature
Publication history
Received: Fri 03, Jan 2020
Accepted: Mon 20, Jan 2020
Published: Tue 04, Feb 2020
© 2023 Jesse Hu Shulin. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.SCR.2020.01.08