En Bloc Capsulectomy with Implant Explantation in a High-Risk Patient with Breast Implant Illness: A Case Report

En Bloc Capsulectomy with Implant Explantation in a High-Risk Patient with Breast Implant Illness: A Case Report

Review Data

Purpose and Significance of Study: This is a case report of en bloc capsulectomy in a high-risk patient with breast implant illness.

Fit with Scope of Journal: The manuscript is of very high interest for the journal Surgical Case Reports.

o   Some minor changes (already corrected in the galley proof) are required in the text, which are listed below


In the Title –

·       “High Risk” must be hyphenated.

In the Methods –

  In the 1st paragraph –

·       In the 1st sentence, “is” after “AB” must be replaced with “was”.

·       In the 2nd sentence, “now” must be replaced with “then”, and “resulting” must be replaced with “a resultant”.

·       In the last sentence, “antihypertensive intravenous” must be replaced with “intravenous antihypertensive”.

  In the 2nd paragraph –

·       In the 6th sentence, “as” must be inserted at the beginning, and “,” must be inserted after “history”.

·       In the 8th sentence, “the” must be inserted at the beginning, and “out” must be replaced with “at”.

  In the 3rd paragraph –

·       The 1st sentence must be re-written as “Physical examination revealed the patient’s BMI as 19”.

·       The 4th, 5th and 6th sentences must be re-written as “There was no asymmetry, skin changes induration or axillary adenopathy”.

  In the 4th paragraph –

·       In the 1st sentence, “were” must be replaced with “was”.

·       In the 4th sentence, “reasonable” must be replaced with “reasonably”.

In the Procedure –

·       The 15th sentence must be re-written as “There were no complications in the immediate postoperative period”.

·       In the 16th sentence, “was” must be inserted before “noted”.

·       In the 17th sentence, “2” must be replaced with “two”.

·       In the 18th sentence, “operatively” must be replaced with “operation”.

Author Info

Corresponding Author
Zuhair Irfan
Department of Plastic Surgery, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Article Info

Article Type
Case Report
Publication history
Received: Tue 07, Apr 2020
Accepted: Wed 22, Apr 2020
Published: Wed 29, Apr 2020
© 2023 Zuhair Irfan. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.SCR.2020.04.06