Complete Colon Duplication with Rectovesical Fistula: A Case Report of a 3-Year-Old Child with Lifelong Obstipation

Complete Colon Duplication with Rectovesical Fistula: A Case Report of a 3-Year-Old Child with Lifelong Obstipation

Review Data

Q: Is the topic relevant to the journal area of interest? Is it contemporary and interesting for


A: Good


Comments: “Duplicate” in title has been modified to “Duplication” to match the intended meaning of the title.


Abstract & Keywords

Q: Are all required components included in the abstract? Are the keywords appropriately chosen?

A: Good



Q: Is the goal explicitly stated in the Introduction? Is its formulation clear and unambiguous?

A: Good



Q: Is the paper's structure coherent? Is it in coherence with the goal of the paper?

A: Good


Tools and Methods

Q: Are methods the author uses adequate and well used?

A: Good


Discussion & Conclusion

Q: Is it related to the results presented before? Do you consider them as coherent?

A: Good


Comments: The Discussion gives an overview of gastrointestinal duplication providing relevant literature. This further discusses the symptoms and diagnosis of colon duplication. The Discussion also highlights that resection is difficult, and sometimes a surgical procedure becomes impossible when the duplicate and the native bowel share a mutual blood supply. Lastly, it states that an operative therapy for symptomatic duplicates is suggested, and a bowel duplicate with rectovesical fistula must be considered for differential diagnosis.



Q: Does the author utilize relevant literature?

A: Good


Author's knowledge

Q: What is the level of the author’s knowledge? Does the author utilize all recent contributions relevant to the topic?

A: Good



Q: Is the length of the paper adequate to the significance of the topic? Do you suggest shortening the paper without losing its value?

A: Good


Figures & Tables

Q: Does the author use them suitably? Are legend and notations clear?

A: Good


Writing style

Q: Is it clear and understandable?

A: Good


Comments: In the Discussion, 3rd paragraph, 5th sentence, “An argument against resection is the difficult and sometimes impossible …” is written as “An argument against resection is difficult and sometimes impossible…”.


Further comments on the paper

Comments: The Case Report presents a 3-year-old Rumanian boy with life-long obstipation. He was later diagnosed with complete colon duplication with rectovesical fistula. The manuscript illustrates the surgical procedures for the treatment of gastrointestinal duplication.


Q: Would you recommend this manuscript for further publication?

A: Yes - Suitable to be published

If you have any questions and clarifications you can write to the journal.

Science Repository Team


Author Info

Corresponding Author
Celia Eckstein
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Hospital St. Hedwig, Steinmetzstraße, Regensburg, Germany

Article Info

Article Type
Case Report
Publication history
Received: Sat 31, Jul 2021
Accepted: Mon 16, Aug 2021
Published: Thu 09, Sep 2021
© 2023 Celia Eckstein. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.SCR.2021.09.02