A Case Report of Successful Management with Long Term Survival of Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Internal Canthus of the Right Eye

A Case Report of Successful Management with Long Term Survival of Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Internal Canthus of the Right Eye

Review Data

Q: Is the topic relevant to the journal area of interest? Is it contemporary and interesting for


A: Good


Abstract & Keywords

Q: Are all required components included in the abstract? Are the keywords appropriately chosen?

A: Good



Q: Is the goal explicitly stated in the Introduction? Is its formulation clear and unambiguous?

A: Good



Q: Is the paper's structure coherent? Is it in coherence with the goal of the paper?

A: Good


Tools and Methods

Q: Are methods the author uses adequate and well used?

A: Good


Discussion & Conclusion

Q: Is it related to the results presented before? Do you consider them as coherent?

A: Good


Comments: The Discussion highlights the frequency of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) among the population mentioning the possible risk factors for the occurrence of the disease. The Discussion further illustrates types of BCC providing relevant literature. The report also briefly summarizes the therapeutic modalities for BCC such as surgery, radiotherapy, vismodegib, imiquimod (IMQ) and Chemotherapy. The Conclusion states that oncological, functional and cosmetic aspects should be considered for the treatment of locally, advanced or recurrent periocular BCC. Lastly, the Conclusion suggests early diagnosis for the treatment of malignant tumor to preserve visual prognosis.



Q: Does the author utilize relevant literature?

A: Very Good


Author's knowledge

Q: What is the level of the author’s knowledge? Does the author utilize all recent contributions relevant to the topic?

A: Good



Q: Is the length of the paper adequate to the significance of the topic? Do you suggest shortening the paper without losing its value?

A: Good


Figures & Tables

Q: Does the author use them suitably? Are legend and notations clear?

A: Good


Writing style

Q: Is it clear and understandable?

A: Good


Comments: There are few issues found in the manuscript, which are as follows:

·       In Abstract, the 1st sentence must be reframed as “Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most frequently occurring malignant periocular tumor”, and 3rd sentence can better be written as “We report a case of 65-year-old women who was diagnosed with BCC of internal canthus of the right eye in October 2011”.

·       Under Introduction, 4th paragraph, 1st sentence is reframed as “Although the occurrence of metastasis is rare, BCC of the eyelids has a high risk of recurrence”.

·       In Case Report, 3rd paragraph, the word “sclerosing dermiform” must be correctly written as “sclerodermiform”.

·       Under Discussion, 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence is reframed as “As clinical signs are variable, the final diagnosis of tumors must always be histological, for which, pathological examination is required”.

·       Words such as ‘ophtalmologist’, ‘inperable’, ‘contre indicated’, ‘exceptionnaly’, ‘irresecable, ‘obteined’ and ‘succebility’ are misspelled all through the manuscript and is corrected as per the requirement.


Further comments on the paper

Comments: This Case Report presents a 65-year-old woman with basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the internal canthus in the right eye. The manuscript describes a 2 step treatment procedure following reconstruction of the frontal flap. The case further highlights the importance of early diagnosis of BCC and promises better treatment outcomes.


Q: Would you recommend this manuscript for further publication?

A: Yes - Suitable to be published

If you have any questions and clarifications you can write to the journal.

Science Repository Team


Author Info

Corresponding Author
Mohamed Réda Khmamouche
Department of Medical Oncology, Military Hospital Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco

Article Info

Article Type
Case Report and Review of the Literature
Publication history
Received: Tue 02, Nov 2021
Accepted: Thu 18, Nov 2021
Published: Fri 03, Dec 2021
© 2023 Mohamed Réda Khmamouche. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Hosting by Science Repository.
DOI: 10.31487/j.SCR.2021.12.01