Submit Manuscript

Submit Manuscript

Submit your manuscript at Science Repository. Science Repository users can be authors, editors, and reviewers. Authors submit manuscript files and metadata & can request for revision. Editors use the system to review submissions, assign to reviewers, and make and communicate decisions to accept, revise, transfer or reject manuscripts. Reviewers are invited to work on manuscripts, can accept or reject assignments. Everything can be managed at a single point. We provide the best publishing experience.

Be a part of Science Repository

Login or register to our system to get tailored experience. You can also submit your manuscript & metadata at [email protected] or [email protected]

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How users at Science Repository will benefit?

  • Easy manuscript submission allowing for the capture of manuscript metadata, forms, and files
  • Reviewers can accept or decline assignments
  • Similarity Check, and Artwork Quality Check options surface information useful to editors
  • Analytics Reporting offers quick visualization of key data
  • Get email notification on the process
  • Open Access fee processing using Bank Transfer & other online payment gateways