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Journal Surgery Case Reports (J Surg Case Rep) (ISSN 2733-225X)

Aims and Scope

Surgery Case Reports is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal which publishes manuscripts in surgery and related subspecialties. The journal provides a platform for reporting of rare, unique and unusual cases which enhance understanding of disease process, its diagnosis, management and clinico-pathologic correlations.

Articles are accepted in the form of case series, case reports, clinical images and letter to editors in the specialty of surgery and related subspecialties including but not limited to Breast and Endocrine Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Colon and Rectal Surgery, Emergency Surgery, Gastroenterological Surgery, General Surgery, Gynecological Surgery, Neurological Surgery, Obstetrics Surgery, Ophthalmic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Pediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Thoracic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urology, Vascular Surgery and Podiatric Surgery. The journal aims to facilitate and stimulate the discussion to serve a display place for surgeons, researchers, academicians from across the globe to share their research findings.

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Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the respective manuscript submitted.

  • 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
  • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
  • Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance



Associate Professor

Department of Surgery

Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA

United States


Daniel M. Labow, M.D., Chief of the Surgical Oncology Division at Mount Sinai Hospital, is a board-certified Surgeon with a specialty in Surgical Oncology. He has established himself at Mount Sinai Hospital since 2004 after studying medicine at a unique, combined medical school, the Dartmouth-Brown Medical Program, completing his General Surgery residency at the University of Chicago, and receiving his fellowship training at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. As Vice Chair of Outpatient Services for the Department of Surgery, Dr. Labow continuously designs processes to facilitate unprecedented patient care. Furthermore, he instills this practice on the new generation of physicians while working tirelessly to advance the educational program at Mount Sinai Hospital by being the Program Director of Surgical Oncology Fellowship. He is an active member in a number of physician organizations including the American College of Surgeons, American Hepatopancreaticobiliary Association, and Society of Surgical Oncology where he sits on the education committee. As New York State Chair of the Commission on Cancer, Dr. Labow helps shape future cancer initiatives and policy, in addition to Co-Chairing the Gastrointestinal Disease Focus Group at Mount Sinai Hospital. Dr. Labow has been awarded the Robert Paradny Teaching award and was recently named one of New York Metro Area’s Top Doctors by Castle Connolly.

Editorial board

Andrea Cariat


School of Thoracic Surgery

University of Genoa


About Me

Born in Genoa 11/05/1968. Laurea in Medicine and Surgery in Genoa faculty of Medicine, on July 1992 (110/110 laude), Specialization in General Surgery, University of Genoa, Italy (1997); Doctor in Research on Hepato-biliary-pancreatic diseases of surgical interest at the University of Siena, Italy (2002); Surgeon in public Institution Hospitals from 1998 today (A.O. Chiavarese- A.O. Imperiese, A.O. Villa Scassi, A.O. 3 Genovese, A.O. IRCCS Sam Martino University of Genoa –IST). Professor at the Specialization School of Thoracic Surgery, University of Genoa, Italy. Publications articles and letters to:“New England Journal of Medicine” (impact factor 40), “Annals of Surgery” (impact factor 10), “Archives of Surgery” (impact factor 8), “CA Cancer J Clin” (impact factor 101), “The Lancet Oncology” (impact factor 13), “Cancer” (impact factor 10), Nature, "Gastroenterology" (impact factor 12), "Hepatology" (impact factor 8), "American Journal of Gastroenterology" (impact factor 2,3), “Expert opinion on Pharmacotherapeutics” (impact factor 2,4), "The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine" (impact factor 1,5), "European Journal of Surgery" (impact factor 1,5), "Ultrastructural Pathology" (impact factor 1,5), “Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology” (impact factor 1,5) "Hepato-pancreato-biliary Surgery", "Digestive Diseases and Sciences" (impact factor 2), “Langenbek’s Archives of Surgery” (impact factor 2), “Archives of Dermatological Research” (impact factor 2). “Oncology” (impact factor 2,3), "Tumori", "Hepato-gastroenterology", "Journal of Experimental and Clinical cancer research", "Journal of Chemotherapy", "Lymphology", "Revista do Hospital das Clinicas", “Techniques in Coloproctology", “Asian Thoracic Cardiovascular Annals”, “Indian Journal of Surgery” and others.

Veena N Rao

Professor and Co-Director

Cancer Biology Program

GCC Distinguished Cancer Scholar , Morehouse School of Medicine

United States


Veena N. Rao is Professor and Co-Director of the Cancer Biology Program, GCC Distinguished Cancer Scholar, Department of OB/GYN at Morehouse School of Medicine. She completed her PhD work at the CCMB and received her Ph.D. from Osmania University, India. Some of her Ph.D. work was done at Max Planck Institute in Germany, University of Edinburgh, Scotland and MIT, Boston. Her postdoctoral work was completed at the University of California, Berkeley and Yale University under the mentorship of Professor Weisman. She was a Forgarty International fellow at the Molecular Oncology lab of late Dr. Papas at NCI where she and her collaborator Dr. Reddy identified the ERG gene which is involved in prostate cancers. She served as Assistant Professor at Temple University and Associate Professor at Jefferson Medical College where she identified and cloned the ELK-1 gene and BRCA1 isoforms. She has been working in the BRCA1 field from the time it was discovered and has several patents.

Peter THAN

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Stanford University

United States


Peter Than is a resident physician in general surgery at Stanford University Medical Center. He earned his Bachelor of Science in biochemistry from the University of Florida and his MD from Brown University. His research interests include transplantation and whole organ-level tissue engineering.

Keneth Newton HALL

Bariatric, Robotic & Minimally Invasive Surgery

Department of Surgery

Winthrop University Hospital

Mineola, United States


Keneth Newton Hall is CEO and Founder of Proyolk a subsidiary of Alliance of Professional LLC, Glen Cove NY, President and Founder of Innovative Multimedia Technologies Inc. Port Jefferson, NY and also Vice President and Co-Founder of Tea of Life Health Inc. NY. He is the Inventor of the Smart Cane®. He is member of American College of Surgeons, American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, Society of Laproendoscopic Surgeons, Society of Critical Care Medicine, American Medical Association, National Medical Association, Suffolk County Academy of Medicine, Howard University Medical Alumni Association, York College Alumni Association, Morant Bay High School Past Students Association, Police Surgeon Benevolent Association, Alliance Of Black Professionals. He is a Clinical instructor in School of Medicine, State University of New York, Stony Brook and Director of Bariatric Quality Improvement at Winthrop University Hospital Mineola NY.

Jon S. Cardinal

Department of Surgery

West Virginia University

United States


Jon Cardinal, MD FACS is an Assistant Professor and Surgery Program Director at the West Virginia University School of Medicine. He completed his undergraduate degree at Duquesne University after which he matriculated at Georgetown University Medical School, graduating AOA. His general surgery internship and residency were completed at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) followed by a one-year fellowship in hepato-pancreatic-biliary (HPB) surgery, also at UPMC. During his surgical training, Dr Cardinal actively participated in basic science research in which he investigated the molecular mechanisms responsible for sterile inflammation. Dr Cardinal joined the department of surgery at WVU in 2012 and has been the program director for the general surgery residency since 2014.

Hussein Fakhry Hozayen Metwally

Assistant professor of Surgical Oncology

South Egypt Cancer Institute , Assiut University



Hussein Fakhry Hozayen Metwally is assistant professor of Surgical Oncology, Surgical Oncology Department, South Egypt Cancer Institute (SECI), Assiut University, Egypt. His research includes Immunohistochemical detection of histone deacetylases in endometrial carcinoma, Solid and Cystic Papillary Neoplasm, Gastric Cancer, Treatment of Retrosternal Goitre, Oncoplastic Breast Surgery etc. Hussein Fakhry is the member of the Egyptian Society and European Society of Surgical Oncology.

Guoxiang Xie

Assistant Professor

University of Hawaii Cancer Center

United States


Dr. Xie’s current research focuses on conducting comprehensive metabolomic studies to (1) identify the metabolite markers for disease diagnosis and stratification and (2) define the molecular mechanisms that link metabolic disruptions in gut microbial-host co-metabolism to metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal cancer. Dr. Xie received his M.D. degree in Pharmaceuticals from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China in 2007. Dr. Xie has more than 10 years of experience in bioanalytical science and metabolomics, and published over 60 peer-reviewed papers on metabolomics and biomedical research. He has worked on dozens of metabolomics projects that span the translational research spectrum from various rodent models to human clinical trials. Currently, being an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Dr. Xie manages multiple metabolomics projects in the area of cancer biomarker discovery.

Jen-Kou Lin


Department of Surgery

Veterans General Hospital , National Yang Ming University

Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China


Dr. Jen-Kou Lin has received his Ph.D. from National Yang-Ming University / Institute of Clinical Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan. He has been Chief, Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Veterans General Hospital-Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, 1995-2013. Currently, he is working as Director of the Department of Surgery, Veterans General Hospital. He has published over 200 scientific papers.

Guangan Hu

Research scientist

Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT

United States


Dr. Hu is currently a research scientist in the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT. His current research focuses on systems biology with 1) high-throughput drug screening on human macrophages for immunotherapy, 2) system biology of lung macrophages and diseases, 3) transcriptional regulation of memory CD8+ T cells. Dr. Hu obtained his PhD at Nanyang Technological University of Singapore in 2009 and then joined in Koch Institute at MIT as postdoc. Prior to his PhD, Guangan awarded his bachelor’s in bioengineering and master’s in molecular cell and biochemistry at Hubei University, China in 2003.

Daniel Mark Labow

Associate Professor

Department of Surgery

Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA

United States


Daniel M. Labow, M.D., Chief of the Surgical Oncology Division at Mount Sinai Hospital, is a board-certified Surgeon with a specialty in Surgical Oncology. He has established himself at Mount Sinai Hospital since 2004 after studying medicine at a unique, combined medical school, the Dartmouth-Brown Medical Program, completing his General Surgery residency at the University of Chicago, and receiving his fellowship training at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. As Vice Chair of Outpatient Services for the Department of Surgery, Dr. Labow continuously designs processes to facilitate unprecedented patient care. Furthermore, he instills this practice on the new generation of physicians while working tirelessly to advance the educational program at Mount Sinai Hospital by being the Program Director of Surgical Oncology Fellowship. He is an active member in a number of physician organizations including the American College of Surgeons, American Hepatopancreaticobiliary Association, and Society of Surgical Oncology where he sits on the education committee. As New York State Chair of the Commission on Cancer, Dr. Labow helps shape future cancer initiatives and policy, in addition to Co-Chairing the Gastrointestinal Disease Focus Group at Mount Sinai Hospital. Dr. Labow has been awarded the Robert Paradny Teaching award and was recently named one of New York Metro Area’s Top Doctors by Castle Connolly.

Imtiaz Ahmed Wani

Consultant Surgeon

Directorate of Health Services, Kashmir



A conscientious and enthusiastic professional,  able to work effectively under pressure, as part of a team and individually. Career orientated, keen to  face tough challenges and looking to gain good experience.

Afshin Amini

Department of Surgery

St George Hospital , The University of New South Wales

Sydney, Australia

Kahraman Ulker

Assistant Professor

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Kafkas Uiversity School of Medicine

Kars, Turkey

Nutu Vlad

Assitant Professor of Surgery

Department of Surgery

University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr. T. Popa" Iasi,, First Surgery Unit, "St. Spiridon" Hospital

Iasi, Romania

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You can submit your manuscript at Science Repository. Authors submit manuscript files and metadata & can request for revision. Editors use the system to review submissions, assign to reviewers, and make and communicate decisions to accept, revise, transfer or reject manuscripts. Reviewers are invited to work on manuscripts, can accept or reject assignments.

For submission authors can directly submit manuscript to

Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author within 72 hours for the respective manuscript submitted.

  • 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
  • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
  • Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance


Neurophysiological Monitoring During Large Femoral and Pelvic Tumoral Resections

A Rare Case of Bilateral Incarcerated Obturator Hernias and a Right-Side Femoral Hernia

Gastric Bypass Prior to Simultaneous Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation for Optimization of Diabetic Management

The Novel Use of the Amplatzer Occlusion Device to Aid in the Treatment of Massive Hemoptysis

Case Report: The Importance of Cystoscopic Evaluation and Management of Iatrogenic Lower Ureteric Injuries

Modified Transperitoneal Ports Configuration Technique and Docking with the da Vinci Surgical System Xi for Combined Pancreaticoduodenectomy and Right Partial Nephrectomy

Gas-Containing Renal Stones: A Case Report and Literature Review

Intraperitoneal Rupture of a Giant Hydatid Cyst of Liver- Can Emergency Placement of Intraperitoneal Drain Improve Patient Optimisation!

Acute Uterine Torsion Mimicking Tumor Lysis Syndrome

A Rare Case of Solitary Retroperitoneal Neurofibroma Mimicking Carcinoma of the Adrenal Gland

Leiomiosarcoma of the Subcutaneous Tissue the Difficulties of Clinical Diagnosis: Description of a Case

Reconstruction of Post-Electrical Burn Scalp Defect with Exposed Bone: A Case Report

Soft Tissue Tumor Leg - A Rare Presentation of Cutaneous Rhinosporidiosis

Pseudotumoral Calcinosis: A Soft Tissue Tumor in a 14-Year-Old Male

A Challenging Surgical Case of Axillary Artery Pseudoaneurysm Weeks after Blunt Trauma

Synchronous Bilateral Local Medial Sural Artery Perforator Flaps for “Hooker Knees”

Multiple Tuberculomas in a Transplanted Liver Mimicking Metastases of Unknown Origin

A Redo of Duct-To-Mucosa Pancreaticojejunostomy for Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis Due to Intra-Pancreatic Lithiasis and Anastomotic Stricture: Is This a Reasonable Strategy?

Management of Para-Aortic Lymph Node Metastasis in Rectal Squamous Carcinoma

Unusual Case of Acetabular Liner Dissociation Following Failure of Ceramic-OnCeramic Bearing Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Case Report

Image-Guided Percutaneous Biopsy for the Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Tumors: An Analysis of 698 Cases and a Literature Review

Pulmonary Artery Migration of a Peripheral Endovascular Stent Discovered Prior to Renal Transplantation: A Case Report

Necrosis of Tongue: A Sequela of Complications in Organophosphate Poisoning

Illustration by Two Cases of the Treatment of Axillary Verneuil Disease with a TDAP Flap

Scaphotrapezial Prosthesis: A New Salvage Technique for Failed Trapeziectomy

A Rare Intra-Operative Sighting of Appendiceal Diverticulitis

Basal Cell Carcinoma of the External Auditory Canal – Unusual Site: A Case Report

Heavy Encrustation and Stone Formation on Forgotten Double “J” Ureteral Stent: A Case Repot

Pure Embryonal Carcinoma of the Testis Presenting as an Acute Scrotal Swelling

Rare Presentation of Huge Lipoma in the Right Axillary Region in a 10 Months’ Infant

Pre and Postoperative Muscle Wastage and Sarcopenia Using CT Scans in Patients Undergoing Pelvic Exenteration Surgery

The Difference Between Malpractice and Adverse Event: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature

Ipsilateral Femoral Neck and Trochanter Fracture: A Case Report and Literature Review

Early Perceval Valve Thrombosis

Spontaneous and Indentation Subretinal Hemorrhage from Choroidal Melanoma

Tongue Bite Injury Resulting from Intra-operative Neuromonitoring during Posterior Scoliosis Corrective Surgery Not an Uncommon Complication: Case Report and Literature Review

Takayasu Arteritis and Lower Limbs Claudication: A Rare Presentation

Feasibility of Low-Seated Composite Aortic Conduit for Surgical Treatment of Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis: A Case Report

A Rare Case of Urachal Remnant with Calculus Just Below Umbilicus

Hemorrhagic Shock from Massive Retroperitoneal and Pelvic Hematoma After Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy

Obstruction of the Small Intestine in the Abdomen without Surgery: Presentation of 5 Cases

Cervical Thymic Cyst: A Unique Case Report with Related Embryogenesis